The Deerslayer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Deerslayer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the bargaining is finished, what happens?
(a) Ravenoak changes his mind and refuses to release the men.
(b) The entire Iroquois encampment comes to the edge of the lake.
(c) Harry becomes ill with the smallpox.
(d) Hutter and Harry are brought to the Ark and the exchange is made.

2. What plans do Chingachgook and Deerslayer make together?
(a) To go hunting for deer meat they can cook on the Ark
(b) To go rescue Wah-ta-Wah
(c) To find out where the Iroquois warriors have gone
(d) To hide Hutter's guns so he cannot make more trouble with the Iroquois

3. What does the dying Iroquois say to Deerslayer?
(a) That he must not marry his widow.
(b) That he should be called Hawkeye.
(c) That he should learn how to shoot better.
(d) That he speaks with forked tongue.

4. How do the Iroquois discover Hetty's mental capacity?
(a) They see that she is not afraid of them.
(b) Hutter tells them his daughter is afflicted.
(c) They already know because they had heard the tales.
(d) Wah-ta-Wah explains it to them.

5. What conversation passes between Deerslayer and the Iroquois?
(a) How Deerslayer does not want to fight and thinks they should be friends.
(b) That the garrison is sending soldiers and the Iroquois are in danger.
(c) That he will bring the white women to him.
(d) That he lives with the Delaware.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do March and Deerslayer finally find the Hutters?

2. When they find the Hutter family, Harry is interested in Judith. In what is Deerslayer interested?

3. After Hetty falls asleep in the forest, what does she discover when she wakes up?

4. Why does Hutter want to attack the Iroquois encampments?

5. What is the argument between Harry Marsh and Deerslayer?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are the Iroquois there in that area?

2. What does Cooper use to show Hetty's innocence and purity?

3. Why are Harry and Tom Hutter planning to collect Indian scalps?

4. After they pick up Chingachgook, what information does he report?

5. What relationship develops between Judith and Deerslayer?

6. Even though he is an expert marksman, what is Deerslayer's attitude about taking any kind of life?

7. What are the circumstances when Chingachgook and Deerslayer locate the Iroquois camp?

8. Why does Deerslayer urge Hetty to leave the Iroquois camp?

9. Discuss Tom Hutter's racial prejudices as Harry March and Deerslayer arrive.

10. How does Cooper show that Hutter trusts Hetty more than he does Judith?

(see the answer keys)

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