The Deerslayer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Deerslayer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first phase of Deerslayer's torture?
(a) He is held under water for several minutes at a time.
(b) They tie him spread eagled over an ant hill.
(c) Young braves throw tomahawks at his head to see how close they can throw without hitting him.
(d) They remove his moccasins and put hot coals on his feet.

2. What happened to most of the Iroquois?
(a) Most of them are killed by the soldiers.
(b) Most of them surrender to the soldiers.
(c) Most of them jump into canoes and paddle to the island.
(d) Most of them run away to hide in the forest.

3. What are the garrison soldiers able to do?
(a) Arbitrate the differences between Deerslayer and the widow
(b) Entertain the Iroquois
(c) Make the Iroquois run away
(d) Take over the encampment

4. What stipulation does Ravenoak put on Deerslayer's freedom?
(a) He must marry the widow of the man he killed.
(b) He must tell the French information about the garrison.
(c) He must kill twenty deer to help feed the people.
(d) He must bring Judith to the encampment to marry a warrior.

5. How do they find Muskrat Castle?
(a) Deserted as though no one had lived there
(b) Divided up into classrooms for a boy's school
(c) Fallen to the ground
(d) Just like they remembered it

6. What does chief Ravenoak want to do with Deerslayer?
(a) He wants to pardon him.
(b) He wants to take his scalp.
(c) He wants to keep him as a hostage.
(d) He wants to torture him.

7. What is Deerslayer's attitude as he says farewell to his friends before returning to the Iroquois?
(a) He is scared of a painful death.
(b) He is planning to fight hard for his life.
(c) He is resigned to dying.
(d) He is angry that he will die because of Hutter.

8. What happens when Judith proposes marriage to Deerslayer?
(a) He is fllattered and agrees to marry her.
(b) He tells her he is already married.
(c) He turns her down.
(d) He asks for time to think about it.

9. What is the difference between his escape from the camp and an escape during a furlough?
(a) There is no difference; both are dishonorable.
(b) There is no sport in an escape during a furlough.
(c) Escape from the camp is really impossible.
(d) Escape from the camp is considerd honorable while escape from the furlough is dishonorable.

10. Who do they see paddling in a canoe and coming toward them out on the lake?
(a) Deerslayer
(b) A soldier from the garrison
(c) Ravenoak
(d) Harry

11. What does Hetty try to do for Deerslayer?
(a) She runs to the garrison for help.
(b) She tries to intervene and is listened to politely but the torture continues.
(c) She reads Bible passages to the Iroquois.
(d) She stands in front of Deerslayer and dares them to shoot her.

12. What promise does Chingachgook make to Deerslayer?
(a) That he will go with him to the Iroquois.
(b) That he will not return to the Delaware until he knows what happens with his friend.
(c) That he will bury him in the hills if he does not survive.
(d) That he will take Judith and Hetty to the Delaware.

13. What does Judith hope she will find in the old chest?
(a) Some interesting books to read
(b) Information about all the land Hutter owned
(c) Something they can sell for a lot of money
(d) Papers that give them a clue as to their real family

14. After refusing the Iroquois woman for the last time, what preparations are made?
(a) For a raid on Muskrat Castle
(b) For Deerslayer's torture
(c) For taking Deerslayer's scalp
(d) For a war dance

15. Where is Hutter buried?
(a) In the middle of the lake where he had buried his wife
(b) At the garrison
(c) Behind Muskrat Castle
(d) On the shore at the far side of the lake

Short Answer Questions

1. What challenge does Wah-ta-Wah deliver to Briarthorn, the man who had kidnapped her?

2. What member of Deerslayer's group gets shot in the conflict between the Iroquois and the soldiers?

3. What is Hetty's passing like?

4. What does chief Ravenoak want to do?

5. Why does Judith feel affection for Deerslayer?

(see the answer keys)

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