The Deerslayer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Deerslayer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Hutter, March, and Deerslayer secure Muskrat Castle on the island in the middle of the lake?
(a) They establish a watch throughout the night.
(b) They build a circle of fire around the house.
(c) They find all the canoes hidden along the lake shore and take them to the middle of the lake.
(d) They send a carrier pidgeon to the garrison.

2. What strange thing do they find in the chest?
(a) A sailing device that none of them recognizes
(b) A pair of boots that are too small to be Hutter's
(c) A treasure map
(d) A set of silver dinnerware

3. Why does the woman take Hetty into the Iroquois encampment?
(a) She knows they will not harm her because of her mental condition.
(b) She thinks if she takes Hetty to them, the Iroquois will let her go.
(c) She thinks Briarthorn will like Hetty better and leave her alone.
(d) She does not know where else to take her.

4. Why does Hetty try to go to the Iroquois encampment?
(a) She will offer herself in exchange for her father and Harry.
(b) She wants to warn them about the garrison soldiers.
(c) She believes she can negotiate with the Indians.
(d) She thinks they will not see her because she is so small.

5. What does the discussion about scalping do for the novel?
(a) It sets up an ongoing conflict throughout the story.
(b) It foreshadows what will happen to Judith and Hetty.
(c) It proves that both white and Indian men are without morality.
(d) It gives historical background to the Seven Years War.

6. What does Deerslayer say to March when he impulsively shoots a deer just for sport?
(a) It is wrong to kill an animal without intending to eat its meat or make something from its skin.
(b) He should never fire a rifle from a canoe because it could tip over.
(c) He must remember the spot so they can collect the deer when they go back to shore.
(d) He should be careful not to shoot a cow by mistake.

7. What does Judith keep insisting?
(a) That Deerslayer agrees to marry her.
(b) That they remain on the island for a few more days.
(c) That they take the canoes and go looking for Hetty.
(d) That they find something they can use to barter for her father's release.

8. What happens when Deerslayer wakes the following morning?
(a) He makes bird calls to see if Harry will reply.
(b) An Iroquois on shore shoots at him.
(c) He paddles quickly to shore to look for Harry and Hutter.
(d) He goes up to the house for breakfast.

9. When Deerslayer realizes Harry and Hutter have been taken captive, what does he do?
(a) He goes ashore and heads for the garrison.
(b) He goes to sleep in his canoe.
(c) He takes Hetty and goes to the encampment.
(d) He wakes the girls and gives them guns.

10. What was the reaction of the Iroquois about Hutter and Harry wanting scalps?
(a) Recognizing the importance of scalps, they are not angered.
(b) They discuss taking Hetty's scalp to teach them a lesson.
(c) They do not believe white men would come for scalps.
(d) They think the men were crazy.

11. After the bargaining is finished, what happens?
(a) The entire Iroquois encampment comes to the edge of the lake.
(b) Harry becomes ill with the smallpox.
(c) Ravenoak changes his mind and refuses to release the men.
(d) Hutter and Harry are brought to the Ark and the exchange is made.

12. How do Harry March and Deerslayer get to Muskrat Castle?
(a) On a ferry that runs three times a day
(b) In a canoe March had hidden near the lake
(c) When Thomas Hutter picked them up in his boat
(d) By swimming out to the island

13. What is Judith's suggestion about securing the release of Hutter and Harry?
(a) Gather items they might use to trade for their freedom
(b) Set the Ark adrift and then slip away in canoes
(c) Leave the island and find the garrison
(d) Run away and leave her father to his fate

14. What does Judith try to do?
(a) Get Hetty to open the chest again.
(b) Keep Hutter and Harry entertained while Deerslayer and Chingachgook slip away.
(c) Prevent Deerslayer from going with Chingachgook.
(d) Dress as a boy and go with Deerslayer and Chingachgook.

15. Why does Hutter want to attack the Iroquois encampments?
(a) To carry off a wife
(b) To prevent them from attacking first
(c) To aid the British
(d) To collect and sell scalps

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Chingachgook want to go to shore with Harry and Hutter?

2. What does the dying Iroquois say to Deerslayer?

3. Hetty's simple religious principles bring out what characteristic in her father and Harry?

4. When the Iroquois dies, what does Deerslayer refuse to do?

5. Why are the Iroquois in that area in the first place?

(see the answer keys)

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