Deep River Test | Final Test - Medium

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Deep River Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Numada repay an animal that gave its life for Numada?
(a) By never again owning another dog.
(b) By lecturing people about animal rights.
(c) By contributing to a fund for endangered species.
(d) By freeing the myna bird.

2. What happens near the cremation grounds in Chapter 13?
(a) A flock of doves is released.
(b) A crowd is on their knees praying.
(c) A fire gets out of control.
(d) A commotion breaks out.

3. What does Tsu find when he leaves the building and goes into the streets in Chapter 11?
(a) A young child who is dead.
(b) An old man who has collapsed.
(c) Several dying dogs.
(d) An old woman who has collapsed.

4. How does Mr. Sanja respond to the begging children in Chapter 13?
(a) He screams at them.
(b) He rejects their advances.
(c) He gives them a coin apiece.
(d) He takes them to a stand and buys them a bit of food.

5. What is Isobe certain about the fortuneteller?
(a) He is in touch with some spirits.
(b) He was able to contact Isobe's father.
(c) He will charge a high fee to give Isobe the girl's whereabouts.
(d) He is honest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mitsuko imitate when she is trying to offer comfort to someone?

2. What was Tsu doing at the river in Chapter 8?

3. In Chapter 8, how many of the tourists decide to stay in the city rather than going on with the bus?

4. At what time do the Hindus with whom Tsu rooms arise?

5. Where does Tsu meet Mitsuko in Chapter 10?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Numada do with the myna bird he bought?

2. Why does Isobe travel out to a village near the city?

3. What do Mitsuko and Numada witness, and what are Mitsuko's feelings about the event?

4. What significance is there to the next day, October 31st?

5. What happens when a group of Hindus see Sanja taking pictures of forbidden subjects?

6. What did the Catholic priests tell Tsu he should do if he believed Gandhi's quote, and what does Tsu do?

7. What does Kiguchi say to Mitsuko on the bus about Americans and Japanese?

8. Of what are the tourists concerned after the assassination in Chapter 9?

9. What does Tsu feel he is doing when he carries an old, dying woman to the river?

10. What quote does Tsu read of Mahatma Gandhi's?

(see the answer keys)

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