Debt of Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Debt of Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the sorceress make Abby promise that she would do, even though Abby didn't really want to do so?
(a) Eat.
(b) Leave.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Bathe.

2. What does the Mother Confessor ask that Abby do when she enters the room and looks at her?
(a) Leave.
(b) Grovel.
(c) Look down.
(d) Rise.

3. Abby feels her mother did a mean thing to her ____________ by leaving before they could have a chance to meet.
(a) Granddaughter.
(b) Sister.
(c) Grandfather.
(d) Husband.

4. What happened to the First Wizard's daughter after Zedd's wife was killed by the D'Haran?
(a) She drowned.
(b) She was captured.
(c) She escaped.
(d) She was freed.

5. The people in line are told to remember that their needs may not outweigh the needs of the ________________.
(a) The war.
(b) The wizards.
(c) Others in line.
(d) Greater world.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Abby is asked about her bracelet, she tells the old woman that it has no _______ to anyone but to her.

2. Abby's mother had always drawn the ___________ of the Grace symbol second, according to Abby's recollection.

3. The Mother Confessor reminds Abby that sometimes names aren't always what they seem. The First Wizard is known as the _________.

4. The old woman calls the men as mean as a __________ night, and just as cold, after the men cut in line in front of them.

5. It is said that the ___________ of a sorceress is a ____________ of all sorceresses.

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the reason the First Wizard gives to Abby as an explanation as to why he can not help her on her quest?

2. What did Panis Rahl do the family of the First Wizard in order to try to kill him via their pain?

3. What was so special about Abby's mom, though Abby does not share this with anyone around her?

4. Why do the other people in the room suddenly become silent when they are in the room with the First Wizard?

5. What is the mean of the Quad, as the Mother Confessor explains to Abby in order to teach her more about the war at hand?

6. What does Abby pray to the spirits for before she goes into the room to see the wizards?

7. What is the warning the sorceress gives to Abby and to the nobleman before they enter the room with the First Wizard?

8. What is different about the Grace symbol that the First Wizard draws on the ground in front of the others?

9. What does the old woman tell Abby about the bracelet that Abby is wearing as they are standing in line outside the Keep?

10. What was the tactic of 'dulling the enemies' weapons' that Abby describes as being the situation in her own village?

(see the answer keys)

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