Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Medium

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Medium

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Li end the case without letting Chen know?
(a) To protect Chen from retaliation by Wu's people.
(b) Li does not like Chen.
(c) Li plans to fire Chen.
(d) Li didn't think Chen could do it.

2. Who calls the bureau in Chapter 37 looking for Chen?
(a) Wang.
(b) Wu.
(c) Chen's mother.
(d) Ling.

3. Who leaves a message for Chen in Chapter 28?
(a) Secretary Li.
(b) Yu.
(c) Xie.
(d) Wang.

4. Who does Chen visit in Chapter 27, when he is feeling paranoid and discouraged?
(a) Yu.
(b) A counselor.
(c) His mother.
(d) Wang.

5. When Xie and Guan got in a physical altercation over Wu, whose side did Wu take?
(a) He refused to take sides.
(b) Xie's.
(c) It is not revealed.
(d) Guan's.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Chen returns to Guan's dormitory in Chapter 36, what does he look behind and finally find the motive for the murder?

2. What did the first woman Yu interviews in Chapter 25 find that Wu keeps, which caused her to stop seeing him?

3. What sort of image does the second woman Yu interviews paint of Wu?

4. In Chapter 32, Chen learns of a new witness who has stepped forward. Where did that witness see Wu the night of the murder?

5. What does Guo Qiang say or do to Chen?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Chen returns to Guan's dormitory again in Chapter 36, what does he finally find, and why does it mean?

2. What does Jiang Wehe tell Yu about her relationship with Wu?

3. What information about the case does Old Hunter meet with Chen to share with him in Chapter 26?

4. What does Chen do while unable to sleep in Chapter 29?

5. In Chapter 28, what does Secretary Li inform Chen of, regarding the case?

6. What happens in Chen's meeting with Director Yao of the Party Discipline Committee?

7. What new assignment is Chen given in Chapter 37, and what does Chen think about it?

8. What does Old Hunter warn Chen about in Chapter 26?

9. What role does Lu's restaurant play in Chapter 31?

10. What does Ning Jing tell Yu about her relationship with Wu?

(see the answer keys)

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