Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Medium

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Medium

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Ouyang's profession?
(a) Photographer.
(b) Businessman.
(c) Government employee.
(d) Journalist.

2. Why does Chen want to see Guo Qiang?
(a) Because he submitted a report against Chen.
(b) Because he murdered Guan.
(c) Because he did not show up for work for Chen.
(d) Because he provided Wu's alibi.

3. What has Old Hunter discovered in Chapter 26, related to the case?
(a) Wu's location the night of the murder.
(b) Guan's affair.
(c) Where the caviar came from.
(d) Guan's destinatino the night of the murder.

4. When did Chen and Ling date?
(a) In the military.
(b) High school.
(c) College.
(d) When Chen first moved to Beijing.

5. What sort of image does the second woman Yu interviews paint of Wu?
(a) He is a hopeless romantic.
(b) He is a free spirit.
(c) He has a split personality.
(d) He is a serial womanizer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Chen and Ling's relationship feel like when they reconnect in the hotel?

2. Old Hunter assigned to patrol whose neighborhood Chapter 38?

3. Where is Chen when Old Hunter calls him in Chapter 26?

4. What did the first woman Yu interviews in Chapter 25 find that Wu keeps, which caused her to stop seeing him?

5. Chen is also given a tape in Chapter 32; what is on that tape?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Guo Qiang, and what is his role in the story?

2. How do Yu and Chen continue covertly sharing information about the case, so it does not appear that they are still working on it?

3. Who is Ouyang?

4. What response does Chen get from Ling, his friend in Beijing, to his plea for help sent earlier?

5. How does the speed and outcome of Wu's trial reflect the changing political scene in China at the time of the book?

6. What does Chen conclude about himself and his future actions at the end of the book?

7. What does Chen learn about Xei in Chapter 33?

8. What action of Dr. Xia's reinvigorates Chen's dedication to solving the case?

9. In Chapter 28, what does Secretary Li inform Chen of, regarding the case?

10. Why does Wang call Chen late at night in Chapter 29?

(see the answer keys)

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