Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Easy

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Easy

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who asks Chen to introduce them for Party membership?
(a) Little Zhou.
(b) Dr. Xia.
(c) Chen's mother.
(d) Ling.

2. After Ling and Chen reconnect, what does he do while she sleeps?
(a) Watches her.
(b) Works on the case.
(c) Reads.
(d) Writes poetry.

3. Why does Chen pick the establishment that he does in Chapter 31 for him and the Americans to dine?
(a) He thought they would appreciate American food.
(b) To get a closer look at the caviar.
(c) It is Wu's favorite restaurant.
(d) To see if he has any messages.

4. Who is the package that Chen receives in Chapter 34 from?
(a) Ling.
(b) Xie.
(c) Wang.
(d) His mother.

5. Who calls the bureau in Chapter 37 looking for Chen?
(a) Chen's mother.
(b) Wang.
(c) Ling.
(d) Wu.

6. Chen wonders if a motive for the murder was Guan finding _____________.
(a) Wu's family secret.
(b) Wu's obscene photos.
(c) Wu's book of other women's phone numbers.
(d) Wu with another woman.

7. Where do Chen and Peiqin meet in Chapter 32?
(a) Chen's apartment.
(b) A karaoke party.
(c) Lu's restaurant.
(d) The laundrymat.

8. What was the main reason Ling broke up with Chen?
(a) She didn't think he would make a good husband.
(b) She wanted to move to America for a year.
(c) Her family did not think he was a good match for her.
(d) She didn't love him anymore.

9. What happens to Wu after his trial?
(a) He is executed.
(b) He receives 50 years in jail.
(c) He receives life in prison.
(d) He receives 30 years in solidary confinement.

10. Who followed Chen in Guangzhou?
(a) Zahang.
(b) Wang.
(c) Wu.
(d) Internal Security.

11. Where does Chen return to at the beginning of Chapter 33?
(a) Lu's restaurant.
(b) The karoake party.
(c) His office.
(d) His apartment.

12. In Chapter 32, Chen learns of a new witness who has stepped forward. Where did that witness see Wu the night of the murder?
(a) At Lu's restaurant.
(b) Driving toward Beijing.
(c) At Guan's apartment building.
(d) Near the canal.

13. What is Director Yao the director of?
(a) High Cadres' Children.
(b) It is not stated.
(c) Chen's police force.
(d) The Party Discipline Committee.

14. Who is the first woman Yu visits in Chapter 25 to inquire about her relationship with Wu?
(a) Xei Rong.
(b) Jiang Wehe.
(c) Ning Jing.
(d) Han Lee.

15. When did Chen and Ling date?
(a) High school.
(b) In the military.
(c) College.
(d) When Chen first moved to Beijing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Old Hunter warn Chen about in Chapter 26?

2. What key piece of evidence was not used in Wu's trial?

3. What Chen surprised to learn upon meeting Xie for the first time?

4. Why does Chen want to see Guo Qiang?

5. What does the person Chen visits in Chapter 27 think about his actions with Wang?

(see the answer keys)

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