Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Easy

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death of a Red Heroine Test | Final Test - Easy

Qiu Xiaolong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Chen and Peiqin meet in Chapter 32?
(a) Lu's restaurant.
(b) The laundrymat.
(c) Chen's apartment.
(d) A karaoke party.

2. What does Chen realize Guan had tried to do to Wu?
(a) Break up with him.
(b) Kill him.
(c) Blackmail him.
(d) Expose him.

3. What has Chen be reassigned to do in Chapter 33?
(a) Security at a conference.
(b) Look after visiting American writers.
(c) A different murder case.
(d) Vacation time.

4. Where does Chen return to at the beginning of Chapter 33?
(a) Lu's restaurant.
(b) The karoake party.
(c) His office.
(d) His apartment.

5. When Xie and Guan got in a physical altercation over Wu, whose side did Wu take?
(a) He refused to take sides.
(b) Xie's.
(c) Guan's.
(d) It is not revealed.

6. Who does Ouyang plan to ask to help Chen find Xie?
(a) His customers.
(b) His boss.
(c) His co-workers.
(d) Madams.

7. Why did Li end the case without letting Chen know?
(a) To protect Chen from retaliation by Wu's people.
(b) Li does not like Chen.
(c) Li didn't think Chen could do it.
(d) Li plans to fire Chen.

8. What does Li announce at his meeting with Chen in Chapter 39 that takes Chen completely by surprise?
(a) The case is concluded, and the murerer is not Wu.
(b) The case will be discontinued.
(c) The case is concluded and Wu has been arrested.
(d) Wu is dead, so the case is concluded.

9. Whose information does the first woman Yu interviews in Chapter 25 give Yu to interview next?
(a) Xei Rong.
(b) Han Lee.
(c) Ning Jing.
(d) Jiang Wehe.

10. Who does Director Yao want Chen to hand the case over to?
(a) Internal Security.
(b) Yu.
(c) International Security.
(d) Zhang.

11. How does Li refer to Chen's investigation methods?
(a) Immature.
(b) Degrading.
(c) Unorthodox.
(d) Expensive.

12. What was one reason Ling broke up with Chen?
(a) She wanted to move to America for a year.
(b) She didn't think he would make a good husband.
(c) She met someone else.
(d) She wanted to move to Australia for a year.

13. Where does Chen go to look for Xie?
(a) Guangzhou.
(b) Guilin.
(c) Shanghai.
(d) Beijing.

14. What Chen surprised to learn upon meeting Xie for the first time?
(a) She is American.
(b) She is in her 50s.
(c) She is in her 40s.
(d) She is a prostitute.

15. Who asks Chen to introduce them for Party membership?
(a) Ling.
(b) Chen's mother.
(c) Dr. Xia.
(d) Little Zhou.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of visit had Ouyang paid for Chen to have with Xei?

2. Who is Minster Wen Jiezi?

3. Who calls the bureau in Chapter 37 looking for Chen?

4. Old Hunter assigned to patrol whose neighborhood Chapter 38?

5. Where does Chen tell Peiqin to leave him messages?

(see the answer keys)

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