Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who captures Harry?
(a) Martin.
(b) Nicodemus.
(c) Ortega.
(d) Fr. Wingate.

2. Who did Marcone perceive as a rival to the possession of the Shroud?
(a) Forthill.
(b) Shivo.
(c) Vincent.
(d) Harry.

3. With whom does Nicodemus have an ancient rivalry?
(a) The Red Court.
(b) The White Council.
(c) The Knights of the Cross.
(d) The Crimson Court.

4. What choice is Harry offered?
(a) Give Nickodemus a little of Harry's blood willingly or die.
(b) To give Nickodemus the Shroud willingly.
(c) Accept the Coin at least temporarily.
(d) Show Nicodemus how to use the Shroud or die.

5. What was the attack on Harry after the television program really about?
(a) A diversionary tactic.
(b) Marcone's dislike of the White Council.
(c) An attack on Susan.
(d) An attack on Vincent.

6. What does Susan warn Harry to do?
(a) Set up an inner shield.
(b) Kill her.
(c) Find a way to keep her away from him.
(d) Barricade himself in the other room.

7. Where does Harry say is the safest place for him to be?
(a) His apartment.
(b) A church sanctuary.
(c) The Vatican.
(d) The White Council's secret meeting room.

8. What repels the attack spells?
(a) A strange blue light.
(b) Another Knight who Harry does not recognize.
(c) A thick ectoplasm.
(d) Spells of protection that Harry casts.

9. Who rescues Michael and Harry?
(a) Sanya.
(b) Marcone.
(c) Susan.
(d) Martin.

10. What does Susan instruct Martin to do when she calls him on her cell phone?
(a) Try to kill Francesca.
(b) Try to take out Marcone.
(c) Try to kill Anna.
(d) Create a distraction.

11. What does Shiro say no one can ever know?
(a) The day of their death.
(b) How they will act when desperate.
(c) The way of their death.
(d) The whole story behind any situation.

12. What demon does Susan fight?
(a) The car demon.
(b) Nicodemus.
(c) None.
(d) The boat demon.

13. How is Nicodemus' power focused?
(a) By a coin.
(b) By the noose he wears.
(c) By a necklace.
(d) By a ring.

14. What does Harry do when he has Susan hanging in the air?
(a) Tries to undo the parital vampire spell.
(b) Cleans her cuts and scrapes.
(c) Feeds her some of his blood.
(d) Tries to force her to tell him about the Fellowship.

15. What appears on Susan's face and body?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A red rash.
(c) Dark tattoos.
(d) A pattern like leaves in green.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where had Michael and Sanya gone on a mission?

2. What option does Ortega offer Harry to satisfy the honor of the Red Court?

3. Who is now Harry's second for the duel?

4. Who is Deirdre?

5. What does Susan refuse to answer when questioned by Harry?

(see the answer keys)

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