Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Masks Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Deirdre?
(a) The snakelike demon.
(b) A vampire who works for Ortega.
(c) Nicodemus' wife.
(d) The human form of the boat demon.

2. What does Harry threaten to blow up?
(a) The demons.
(b) Nothing.
(c) The Shroud.
(d) The motel.

3. What was just an excuse for the Red Court to attack the Council?
(a) Harry revealing the liar of the main vampire group.
(b) Harry killing Susan's captors.
(c) Harry not leaving Susan to become a full vampire.
(d) Harry killing the vampire master.

4. Who is the lead demon that Anna tries to kill?
(a) Sarter.
(b) Nicodemus.
(c) Marcone.
(d) It has no name.

5. What does Susan instruct Martin to do when she calls him on her cell phone?
(a) Try to kill Francesca.
(b) Create a distraction.
(c) Try to take out Marcone.
(d) Try to kill Anna.

6. What does Harry think about when Ortega offers him an option other than dueling?
(a) The respect he would lose among the other wizards.
(b) The monstrous behavior of the Red Court.
(c) The fact that he would never be able to have children.
(d) That he could never harm Susan that way.

7. When do Susan's powers subside?
(a) After she and Harry make love.
(b) After she has some of Harry's blood.
(c) After she has slept for a few hours.
(d) After all her cuts and scrapes have healed.

8. Where did Nicodemus plan a back-up ceremony?
(a) Louisville.
(b) Memphis.
(c) Detroit.
(d) St. Louis.

9. What does Thomas reveal to Harry?
(a) That Ortega will try to cheat.
(b) That Susan is willing to become a full vampire to save Harry's life.
(c) That Ortega plans to substitute someone and make the person look like Ortega.
(d) That Ortega is not doing this to end the feud between the courts.

10. What does Susan give Harry to don as they ride to the benefit?
(a) A pair of spats.
(b) A tux.
(c) A necktie.
(d) A ring.

11. What does Harry fear if he accepts Nicodemus' offer?
(a) He will destroy all he loves.
(b) He will lose his powers.
(c) He will die anyway.
(d) He will become like Ursiel.

12. What will limit the intensity of spell Harry can use to track the Shroud?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The size of the containment shield.
(c) The duration of the magice he uses.
(d) The size of the sample he is given.

13. How is Nicodemus' power focused?
(a) By the noose he wears.
(b) By a ring.
(c) By a coin.
(d) By a necklace.

14. What reason does Harry say that Susan cannot leave his apartment for a few hours?
(a) She can leave his apartment at any time.
(b) The spells he cast to keep Nicodemus out.
(c) He wants to learn about his parents and knows she knows about them.
(d) He desperately needs to talk with her.

15. What does Harry do when he has Susan hanging in the air?
(a) Tries to force her to tell him about the Fellowship.
(b) Feeds her some of his blood.
(c) Cleans her cuts and scrapes.
(d) Tries to undo the parital vampire spell.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Fellowship?

2. Why does Harry throw aside the detonator?

3. What does Susan refuse to answer when questioned by Harry?

4. Who is Thomas?

5. What choice is Harry offered?

(see the answer keys)

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