Death Masks Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death Masks Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Karrin Murphy?
(a) Susan's sister-in-law.
(b) A police officer in Special Investigations.
(c) A doctor in the emergency room.
(d) Susan's sister.

2. What is The Archive there to discuss with Harry?
(a) The history of Wizardry.
(b) The history of the Shroud.
(c) The history of vampire venom.
(d) The terms of the duel.

3. To whom are Garcia and Valmonth allied?
(a) Larouche.
(b) Ortega.
(c) Harry.
(d) Michael.

4. Where does Harry lead Susan?
(a) To his apartment.
(b) To the Morningside Cemetary.
(c) To the underground subway.
(d) To the catacombs.

5. Who does Harry want to avoid?
(a) Police.
(b) Francesca.
(c) Ortega.
(d) Anna.

6. Where does Harry Dresden appear along with Mortimer Lindquist?
(a) A Chicago talk show.
(b) A crime fighting unit meeting.
(c) A college paranormal lab.
(d) A benefit for a children's foundation.

7. Where does Harry listen to a phone conversation between a woman and her accomplice?
(a) In the hall of his apartment complex.
(b) On the subway going to the docks.
(c) Using his magical wire tap.
(d) On the dock by the Etranger.

8. Where has Lindquist traced Susan Rodriguez?
(a) Costa Rica.
(b) Mexico.
(c) Brazil.
(d) Peru.

9. What does Harry initially choose that will be rejected for dueling?
(a) Skill.
(b) Energy.
(c) Will.
(d) Flesh.

10. About what does Harry consult the spirit?
(a) Dueling with Ortega.
(b) How to find a focusing coin.
(c) If the Knights are on the side of evil this time.
(d) Where the Shroud is.

11. How does the audience receive Dresden?
(a) Skeptically.
(b) With fervent belief.
(c) Enthusiastically.
(d) With hostility.

12. What does Dresden feel slipping during a break on the show?
(a) His confidence.
(b) His spell.
(c) His desire to talk any longer.
(d) His compassion for vampires.

13. What is Harry's response to Shiro's question?
(a) No, Harry is powerful enough as it is.
(b) He is doing it for the money.
(c) Harry does not know if there is an authentic Shroud, but believes others think this one is.
(d) Harry would return the Shroud to its rightful owners.

14. Who is Johnny Marcone?
(a) Dresden's cohort.
(b) A local mobster.
(c) Dresden's friend from childhood.
(d) Dresden's secret contact in the Council of Wizards.

15. Why does Dresden push Fr. Vincent into a car?
(a) Dresden is shot at.
(b) Fr. Vincent angers Dresden.
(c) Dresden thinks Fr. Vincent is someone else.
(d) Dresden is taking him against his will to meet some vampires.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shiro ask Harry about the Shroud?

2. What does Fr. Vincent imply when talking with Harry?

3. Who does the female Denarian kill?

4. What question does the spirit Harry summons about the Shroud ask Harry?

5. What does Susan possess?

(see the answer keys)

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