Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Whittlesey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Whittlesey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On August 20th, 1883, George Weber started arguing with John Zutavern; they were both employed by the park improvement company and were fighting over what?
(a) Who made more money.
(b) Zutavern's recent promotion.
(c) A trade they had made.
(d) A bet they had made.

2. When Ferguson shot Carpenter, killing him, did a jury find him guilty?
(a) The jury was never able to come to an agreement.
(b) Yes, but not right away.
(c) Yes.
(d) No.

3. Mrs. Joseph Lippman was killed in ___________ when their stagecoach struck a rock on the road and flipped over.
(a) 1929.
(b) 1909.
(c) 1919.
(d) 1899.

4. One death from _______________ occurred when, on August 15th, 1919, Louis Boatman was touring the park with his aunt and sister and decided to swim in the Yellowstone River.
(a) Diving.
(b) Skiing.
(c) Boating.
(d) Swimming.

5. Who does the author fear will destroy the park?
(a) Irresponsible, litigious park visitors.
(b) The government.
(c) The park rangers.
(d) The animals.

6. The horse and stagecoach era in Yellowstone lasted from 1872 to _____________.
(a) 1905.
(b) 1910.
(c) 1912.
(d) 1915.

7. Regarding this balance, which way does the author believe our culture errs?
(a) Too far towards the former and away from the latter.
(b) In neither direction.
(c) Too far towards the latter and away from the former.
(d) Sometimes towards the latter and sometimes the former.

8. There was a special case of a man and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Dunn, who did what on July 13th, 1924?
(a) They jumped off the rim of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon.
(b) They backed their car off the rim of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon.
(c) They drove their car off the rim of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon.
(d) They convinced someone else to jump off the rim of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon.

9. This lake is 136 square miles with ____________ miles of shoreline.
(a) 25.
(b) 100.
(c) 110.
(d) 50.

10. LeRoy R. Piper disappeared on July 30th, _________.
(a) 1900.
(b) 1880.
(c) 1910.
(d) 1890.

11. National parks are valuable but what?
(a) The wild creates danger.
(b) They are expensive.
(c) The wild can be tamed.
(d) They are beautiful.

12. One of the more interesting stories occurred when an Army soldier was shot by whom?
(a) A Native American.
(b) A park ranger.
(c) A fellow soldier.
(d) His superior.

13. After escaping to the park, Weber was eventually captured and convicted of what?
(a) Manslaughter.
(b) Attempted murder.
(c) Second-degree murder.
(d) First-degree murder.

14. How did Mrs. H.P. Knapp die?
(a) She was eaten by a bear.
(b) She was burned to death by her gas stove.
(c) She was gored by a bison.
(d) She fell off of a cliff.

15. Often stagecoaches would wreck due to what?
(a) Wild horses.
(b) A broken front axle.
(c) Too much weight.
(d) Poor terrain.

Short Answer Questions

1. When should you not go out in the boat?

2. The army duty was dreary and in 1911-12 some of the men got what?

3. If you want to boat on Yellowstone Lake, what type of boat should you use?

4. Prevailing winds can produce waves __________________ feet high.

5. What is known about these early incidents?

(see the answer keys)

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