Death at La Fenice Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death at La Fenice Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Leon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Wellauer's oldest friend?

2. In what department does the ex-husband work?

3. Santina got into trouble when she refused to sing for which of the following?

4. The character claimed to be from which country?

5. What time did the person call Brunetti?

Short Essay Questions

1. Brunetti meets with Signore Traverso to discuss Wellauer's behavior on the night of his death. What does Traverso say to Brunetti?

2. Describe the location and condition in which Clemenza Santina lives.

3. What is Brunetti's final decision regarding Wellauer's death? What is Patta's reaction to the final report?

4. What does Brunetti learn that solves the mystery of Petrelli's skylights? Where did she get them?

5. Why does Brunetti begin to question himself about the possibility of Lynch's guilt?

6. Discuss the scene in which Wellauer's second wife was found. What happened?

7. What is the point of Brunetti's visit to Dr. Treponti? What does Brunetti learn about Wellauer during the meeting?

8. What does Brunetti learn by reviewing the autopsy reports? How does Wellauer's ex-husband fit into the case?

9. Brunetti goes back to Clemenza's apartment. What is the nature of the visit? What does Brunetti learn?

10. What was the nature of Santina's professional relationship with Wellauer? How did the relationship end?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Throughout the story, Brunetti was presented with various leads that might help to solve the case. There are also leads that could distract Brunetti and lead him on a wild goose chase. Discuss how Brunetti could tell a valuable lead from one that may not turn out to be anything important. Does one get precedence in the investigation? If so, how do the police decide? Do you think that the clues Brunetti chose to follow were the best ones? How might you have handled the case?

Essay Topic 2

Brett Lynch seems to be a cold and calculating woman while Flavia Petrelli seems to be more impulsive and hotheaded. Create complete character studies of Lynch and Petrelli. Compare and contrast the personalities of the two women. Which characteristics were real and which were contrived? How were they perceived by Brunetti? What was Brunetti's opinion of each?

Essay Topic 3

Chiara Brunetti is the fourteen-year-old daughter of Guido Brunetti and Paola Falier. Chiara and her father are very close and often play-act, although it annoys Paola. Examine Chiara's relationship with her father. How does the girl feel about having a professoressa as a mother and the commissario of police as a father? How does Brunetti's work affect Chiara? What type of decisions might Chiara make due to her father's profession? Do you think the relationship would cause Chiara to go into law enforcement or to rebel? Explain.

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