Dear Mr. Henshaw Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dear Mr. Henshaw Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the man who works at the gas station by Leigh’s house?

2. What does Leigh recall his dad saying society was ruining in his diary entry from February 2?

3. Leigh says in his February 8 diary entry that he’s started on a new story for the Young Writers’ Yearbook. What is the title of Leigh’s new story?

4. Leigh says in his February 5 diary entry that his mom and dad got married where?

5. Leigh says in his January 12 letter to Mr. Henshaw that he is on what page of Beggar Bears?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who do you think is symbolized by the protagonist in Leigh’s story “The Ten-Foot Wax Man”?

2. What does Leigh relate about Mr. Henshaw’s new book in his January 12 letter?

3. What exchange does Leigh describe between himself and Mr. Fridley in his February 6 diary entry?

4. What letter does Leigh describe receiving from his father in his diary entry on February 9? How does Leigh feel about the letter?

5. What do the butterflies in Leigh’s February 7 diary entry symbolize in Dear Mr. Henshaw?

6. How does Leigh describe the butterflies when he first sees them in his February 7 diary entry?

7. How does Leigh describe his and his mother’s exchange after the phone call in his February 5 diary entry?

8. What worries consume Leigh about his dad in his January 30 diary entry?

9. How does Leigh’s dad describe losing Bandit? Where was he when Bandit was lost?

10. What is revealed about Leigh’s story, “The Ten-Foot Wax Man,” in his February 15 letter?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe and discuss the settings of Bakersfield and Pacific Grove, California. How big are these towns? How does Leigh describe them in his letters? What is the weather like in Bakersfield and Pacific Grove? How do these settings differ?

Essay Topic 2

Define “conflict” in literature, as well as the different types of conflict that can be found. Discuss examples of the conflicts seen in Dear Mr. Henshaw. Which of these conflicts are internal, external, or relational? How does Leigh overcome the conflicts he faces as the story’s protagonist?

Essay Topic 3

In Dear Mr. Henshaw, Leigh writes to his favorite author from second through sixth grades. Discuss Beverly Cleary’s use of language to depict the maturity of Leigh as he continues writing to Mr. Henshaw. For instance, what grammatical and spelling errors can you find in Leigh’s early letters? How do Leigh’s mistakes change as he gets older?

(see the answer keys)

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