Dead Souls Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead Souls Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does everything at the general's house smell like?
(a) Sawdust.
(b) Oil paint.
(c) Cut grass.
(d) Cinnamon.

2. Who tries to convince Andrey not to leave his job?
(a) His cousin.
(b) His father.
(c) His uncle.
(d) His brother.

3. Why does Tchitchikov really want to buy dead souls?
(a) To be able to purchase land.
(b) To practice black magic.
(c) To give as gifts.
(d) To impress a woman.

4. From whose house is Tchitchikov banned?
(a) Manilov.
(b) The president.
(c) The city clerk.
(d) The governor.

5. What happens to Tchitchikov's partner in crime from the customs office?
(a) He is exiled.
(b) He is put in jail for life.
(c) He kills himself.
(d) He is murdered.

6. How much money is Tchitchikov given when he gets out of prison?
(a) 15,000 rubles.
(b) 1,000 rubles.
(c) 10,000 rubles.
(d) 7,000 rubles.

7. Why do Anna and Sofia think Tchitchikov buys dead souls?
(a) To impress the president.
(b) To marry the governor's daughter.
(c) To tell them for a higher price in a different city.
(d) To cheat the townspeople.

8. What does Tchitchikov tell Andrey he is missing?
(a) The right tools to keep up his land.
(b) A best friend.
(c) A wife.
(d) Proper control of his serfs.

9. Who drops dead while thinking about Tchitchikov and the rumors around him?
(a) The prosecutor.
(b) The police chief.
(c) The postmaster.
(d) The city clerk.

10. Where does Tchitchikov go to work as soon as his schooling is over?
(a) The Palace of Liberty.
(b) The Palace of Truth.
(c) The Palace of Justice.
(d) The Palace of Judgment.

11. What is the relationship between Platon and Skudronzhoglo?
(a) Brothers-in-law.
(b) Uncle and nephew.
(c) Father and son.
(d) Cousins.

12. Where has Tchitchikov always wanted to work?
(a) The church.
(b) The post office.
(c) The library.
(d) The customs office.

13. How much money does Tchitchikov want to pay for the land he buys?
(a) 10,000 rubles.
(b) 50,000 rubles.
(c) 25,000 rubles.
(d) 1,000 rubles.

14. Where do Platon and Tchitchikov go during Part 2, Chapter 3?
(a) To the house of Pyetuh's neighbor.
(b) To the house of Platon's sister.
(c) To buy a new chaise.
(d) To the bank.

15. What does the general serve Tchitchikov for dinner?
(a) Buttered bread.
(b) Baked potatoes.
(c) Cabbage soup.
(d) Lamb.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nozdroyov tell the men in town he helped Tchitchikov do?

2. What does Tchitchikov compare his life to when introducing himself to the general?

3. Who agrees to loan Tchitchikov money?

4. How many serfs is Tchitchikov given when he gets out of prison?

5. What do the men of N start to think Tchitchikov is?

(see the answer keys)

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