Dead Sleep Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dead Sleep Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Gaines feel about Thalia Laveau?
(a) He respects her mind and artistic talent.
(b) He feels protective of her, like a big brother.
(c) He just wants to sleep with her.
(d) He thinks she is annoying and ugly.

2. In what building is Gaines holding hostages?
(a) The library.
(b) A student dorm.
(c) The cafeteria.
(d) The art building.

3. What word does Jordan gasp out as she loses consciousness?
(a) "Sorry."
(b) "Sugar."
(c) "Help."
(d) "Love."

4. How long was there a gap between the two series of killings?
(a) Twenty-five years.
(b) Five years.
(c) Fifteen years.
(d) Ten years.

5. How does Gaines react when Jordan enters during his interview with Kaiser and Lenz?
(a) He screams at her not to break anything.
(b) He freezes and almost faints.
(c) He makes crude sexual remarks.
(d) He ignores her.

6. How does Laveau first talk to Jordan when she arrives to talk to her for the first time?
(a) From her balcony.
(b) Through the wall.
(c) By just opening the door a tiny bit.
(d) On the phone.

7. Who is outside waiting for Jordan after she finishes speaking to Thalia?
(a) Her father.
(b) Baxter.
(c) Lenz.
(d) Kaiser.

8. Kaiser and Jordan realize several of the victims have been kidnapped from ___________.
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Miami.
(c) New York.
(d) Chicago.

9. What is Kaiser looking through when he thinks he recognizes someone?
(a) Jordan's wallet.
(b) Computer enhanced images.
(c) Jordan's yearbook.
(d) The newspaper.

10. Why is Wheaton upset by a phone call which he receives?
(a) He hears a baby crying.
(b) Someone yells obscenities at him.
(c) No one says anything.
(d) He hears a grown woman crying.

11. Who offers himself as a hostage to Gaines?
(a) Wheaton.
(b) Lenz.
(c) Jordan.
(d) Kaiser.

12. Where does Kaiser have a house?
(a) In Miaimi.
(b) In New York.
(c) In the suburbs.
(d) In downtown New Orleans.

13. Why do Lenz and Kaiser plan to be more aggressive in their interview with Leon Gaines?
(a) He is a con.
(b) They don't like him as much as the others.
(c) He is hard of hearing.
(d) He has attacked them before.

14. What item does Jordan move closer to her while Wheaton is out of the room?
(a) Her purse.
(b) A gun.
(c) An ice cooler.
(d) The phone.

15. What does the gunman say to Jordan shortly before he disappears?
(a) That she will never be safe.
(b) That he had always loved her.
(c) That her sister is alive.
(d) That he put a bomb in her car.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the person who shoots at Wendy and Jordan dressed like?

2. Where did Hoffman serve time in prison?

3. What does Jordan confess to Kaiser about her desire to have a family?

4. How many students does Gaines take hostage in the room with him?

5. What secret does Wendy let slip about the body which the FBI found?

(see the answer keys)

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