Dead Sleep Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dead Sleep Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who ends up shooting the gunman and saving Jordan?
(a) Jordan herself.
(b) Wendy.
(c) Kaiser.
(d) An innocent bystander.

2. How does Wendy end up dying?
(a) She slips and breaks her neck in a freak accident.
(b) Wendy doesn't die in this book.
(c) She falls into the river and drowns.
(d) The gunman shoots her multiple times.

3. Where do Lenz and Kaiser interview Frank Smith?
(a) At his house.
(b) At a church.
(c) In the parking lot at his work.
(d) At a football game.

4. What does Jordan think about Laveau's involvement in the serial killings after speaking to her?
(a) She is definitely not involved.
(b) She is likely the killer herself.
(c) She might be involved.
(d) She definitely is involved.

5. From where does Frank Smith get his money?
(a) He invented a medical device that earns him a lot of money on the side.
(b) Lenz suspects him of running drugs.
(c) He won the lottery.
(d) Family.

6. Where does Jordan encourage Kaiser to rest once she takes him home?
(a) At the kitchen table as she cooks him dinner.
(b) On the couch.
(c) In the hot tub.
(d) In bed.

7. How does Kaiser let Jordan know that he's on the way over to her hotel room?
(a) He sends her a text message.
(b) He sends her an email.
(c) He calls.
(d) He sends her flowers.

8. What major event created Wheaton's separate personality?
(a) The death of his mother.
(b) The death of his baby girl.
(c) The death of his father.
(d) The death of his wife.

9. Jordan goes into the building where Gaines has hostages to retrieve ___________.
(a) Wheaton's glasses.
(b) Wheaton's computer.
(c) Wheaton's paintings.
(d) Wheaton's keys.

10. Where did the serial killer first start killing people?
(a) Miami.
(b) Chicago.
(c) New York.
(d) San Francisco.

11. Kaiser and Jordan realize several of the victims have been kidnapped from ___________.
(a) Chicago.
(b) New York.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) Miami.

12. Where did Hoffman serve time in prison?
(a) A prison in Hong Kong.
(b) A secret FBI jail.
(c) Sing Sing Prison.
(d) Alcatraz.

13. Why do Lenz and Kaiser plan to be more aggressive in their interview with Leon Gaines?
(a) He has attacked them before.
(b) They don't like him as much as the others.
(c) He is a con.
(d) He is hard of hearing.

14. What do Kaiser and Jordan finally do at his house that they haven't been able to do before?
(a) Share their theory that Bentz is actually the killer.
(b) Sleep together.
(c) Drink a glass of wine.
(d) Deal drugs.

15. Who calls Kaiser when he is at Wal-Mart looking for Gaines?
(a) Jordan.
(b) Wheaton.
(c) Lenz.
(d) Baxter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What item does Jordan move closer to her while Wheaton is out of the room?

2. Where is Jordan when she wakes up after being kidnapped by Wheaton?

3. What does Jordan confess to Kaiser about her desire to have a family?

4. What secret does Wendy let slip about the body which the FBI found?

5. Who somehow figures out that Kaiser is with Jordan at her hotel?

(see the answer keys)

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