Daughters of the House Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daughters of the House Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color of eyes does everyone in the area seem to have?

2. How does Thérèse feel in her clothes?

3. What does Thérèse do for her mother?

4. Who relishes her breakfast the next morning though Louis and Thérèse refuse to eat?

5. What does Madeleine tell her daughter about the daughter's father, Maurice?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the symbolism of Thérèse dumping Antoinette's letters into the stove to burn?

2. How is the occupation of the Germans described in "The Carpets"?

3. In the chapter, "The Holdall," how does what Léonie finds while going through Thérèse's things demonstrate the differences between the two women?

4. What hint is there in the chapter, "The Cellar Key," that something about the cellar upsets Antoinette?

5. Describe the first few minutes of Thérèse and Léonie's time together as described in "The Chandelier."

6. In the chapter, "The Quimper Dish, what do you think is the reason behind Thérèse's sudden "illness"?

7. To what do you think Léonie's fears are related in the chapter "The Nightlight"?

8. Who is Thérèse manipulating in the chapter, "The Dust," and why do you think she does this?

9. What story does Léonie tell Baptiste and what is his response?

10. What scene in the chapter, "The Camp Bed," suggests that the personal dynamics of the household is about to change?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Starting with the second chapter and as a thread throughout much of the novel is the idea of materialism and obsession with possessions, especially on the part of Léonie. Choose one of the following questions and write a well-developed essay using examples from the book as well as personal experience:

1. Follow the theme of materialism throughout the story, giving specific examples of how and why this theme occurs.

2. Write an essay on the following idea: Is wealth/materialism in direct conflict with a spiritual life? Use examples from the book and from your personal life to illustrate your stance.

3. People from the United States are often accused of being materialistic and that this has greatly contributed to environmental problems. Write an essay either agreeing or disagreeing and support with examples and details.

Essay Topic 2

There are two sides to the Martin house. One side is proper and presentable, and the other is full of darkness and threatening secrets. Choose one of the following questions and write a well-developed essay using examples from the book as well as personal experience:

1. Describe both parts of the Martin house and list some of the imagery associated with each part.

2. Can the Martin house be an analogy for humans, i.e., we all have a "dark" and a "light" side to our personalities. Discuss yourself or someone you know and the traits that's that you consider dark or light and show how those traits can be said to belong to one part of the Martin home or the other. Explain why you assign a trait to one side or the other.

3. Literature is replete with the idea that life is duality--good or evil, hot or cold, sad or joyful.... But much of life rather than being a duality is various shades or mixtures of opposites. Talk about this idea and use examples both from Daughters of the House and your own experiences.

Essay Topic 3

Chapters 25-28 are predominantly concerned with the process of Antoinette's imminent death and then her death. Death is viewed differently by different characters depending on their religious views and their relationship to the one dying, in this case, Antoinette. Choose one of the following questions and write a well-developed essay using examples from the book as well as personal experience:

1. How does Antoinette's imminent death and then subsequent death affect the following characters: Léonie, Thérèse, Louis, and Madeleine. Cite specific examples.

2 After conducting some research, compare and contrast Judaism's view of death versus the Roman Catholic view.

3. Discuss how you felt when someone close to you was dying and then after the person died. Are any of the emotions present in the novel similar to yours? Give examples.

(see the answer keys)

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