Darkness at Noon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness at Noon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Rubashov believe when he worked for the party as a boy?
(a) He would be where No. 1 is now.
(b) All of his questions would be answered.
(c) The Party would abolish the death penalty.
(d) The Party would end injustice.

2. What does the reader say the cell secretary asks her?
(a) If Rubashov said anything useful to Wassilij
(b) If Wassilij and Rubashov stayed friends to the end
(c) If Wassilij is a counter-revolutionary
(d) If she has signed the petition

3. What does Wassilij think about when the reader reads about the recess?
(a) Wassilij talking late into the night with Rubashov
(b) Rubashov returning on crutches from a foreign country
(c) Wassilij telling Rubashov not to capitulate
(d) Rubashov leading the charge when he was head of the battalion

4. What does Gletkin say is the reason peasants in industrial positions should be shot for even minor infractions of the law?
(a) Peasants are too stupid to learn on their own.
(b) Peasants had to learn in ten years what most in other countries learned in 200 years.
(c) Rules are the only way for a country to know they are doing a good job.
(d) Death is the only punishment for all crimes.

5. Why is Rubashov taken outside during one of his hearings?
(a) Gletkin is beginning to like Rubashov.
(b) It is his exercise time.
(c) Rubashov faints during the session.
(d) He said he would not sign unless he was outside.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rubashov believe honor to be?

2. What does Rubashov feel is one of the worst degradation during his interviews with Gletkin?

3. What does Gletkin say is the one duty of the revolution?

4. What does Rubashov think the main idea about No. 1 is, that must be in a confession?

5. What is the one charge against Rubashov which is dropped?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Wassilij’s daughter read the paper to him?

2. What is the result of Gletkin’s pushing Rubashov with no sleep?

3. When Rubashov begins to address the court, what does he say he will talk about?

4. With whom does Gletkin confront Rubashov and with what charge?

5. What does Rubashov feel about the grammatical fiction and the USSR right before he is taken to be killed?

6. For what does Wassilij interrupt her reading?

7. What happens with Rubashov right after he signs the last charge?

8. What does Rubashov confess to in the beginning? What is Gletkin’s response to this?

9. What does Rubashov’s diary entry at the beginning of the Third Hearing contain?

10. To what other charges does Rubashov concede? What is the one charge that is dropped?

(see the answer keys)

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