Darkness at Noon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness at Noon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Vassilij get the scar on his neck?
(a) Fighting in the civil war
(b) Fighting the Germans
(c) In a farming accident with a threshing machine
(d) On a hunting trip

2. Ivanov believes that he is what kind of person? What kind of person does Ivanov believe Gletkin to be?
(a) Ivanov is a cynic and Ivanov is a moralist.
(b) Gletkin is a cynic and Ivanov is a moralist
(c) Gletkin is a stoic and Ivanov is soft
(d) Ivanov is a "by the books" and Gletkin is spontaneous.

3. What was Rubashov’s friends’ rationale for convincing him not to help Arlova?
(a) That Rubashov is more valuable to the revolution
(b) Rubashov cannot change the system if he is kicked out of the system
(c) You can’t save them all
(d) That she was obviously doing something wrong

4. What does Rubashov shout out his door as the breakfast crew is leaving his hallway?
(a) I will eat lunch.
(b) Go on and leave me alone.
(c) I do not know.
(d) Paper and pencil

5. What does Ivanov say is incompatible with social progress?
(a) Giving the people enough to eat
(b) Capitalism
(c) Allowing the masses to have luxury
(d) Respect for the individual

6. What is the last thing prisoner 380 yelled as he is pulled down the corridor?
(a) The revolution is dead
(b) Rubashov
(c) Stalin devil
(d) Death to No. 1

7. What was Richard’s trade?
(a) Librarian
(b) Carpenter
(c) Farmer
(d) Locksmith

8. What are the two types of cases that could be used in court for Rubashov?
(a) C and T
(b) T and P
(c) P and A
(d) V and A

9. What does Rubashov say is history’s mortar?
(a) Blood, mud, and lies
(b) War, deception and power
(c) Belief, blood and bravery
(d) Lies, soap, and religion

10. What does Gletkin say is the reason Gletkin did not give in to torture?
(a) He did give into torture.
(b) He fainted.
(c) He believes in Communism too strongly.
(d) He has a rare disease in which his nerves do not feel pain.

11. What does 402 tell Rubashov is happening the night the prison feels different?
(a) The prison guards are being changed
(b) Political differences are being settled
(c) Sympathizers are going to break into the prison
(d) He does not know what is happening

12. What do the prisoners do when prisoner 380 is taken to be killed?
(a) Yell anti-government slogans
(b) Tap on the door the code for rest in peace, over and over
(c) Sing a hymn
(d) Stand at the spy hole and drum

13. With what does Rubashov say wrong ideas must be punished?
(a) Re-education
(b) Death
(c) Isolation and torture
(d) Prison terms

14. What does Rubashov ask No. 1 for while Rubashov is still on crutches?
(a) For a new mission overseas
(b) The fate of Richard
(c) To be able to return to his home in Petersburg
(d) Access to better doctors

15. What is wrong with Ivanov’s bad leg?
(a) It is artificial.
(b) It is shorter than the other.
(c) The knee is frozen.
(d) It is full of shrapnel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What book does No. 1 keep on his desk at all times?

2. What does Ivanov call all the deaths that have occurred since the revolution?

3. Why is Rubashov allowed to remain in bed on his first morning in prison?

4. What is Rubashov dreaming about when officials come to arrest him?

5. With what was Rubashov’s suitcase filled when he met a man in southern Germany in 1933?

(see the answer keys)

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