Darkness at Noon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness at Noon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rubashov shout out his door as the breakfast crew is leaving his hallway?
(a) Paper and pencil
(b) I do not know.
(c) I will eat lunch.
(d) Go on and leave me alone.

2. In the car, what does Rubashov tell the younger official the official should study?
(a) World events
(b) The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
(c) The Party's history
(d) How to get people on your side

3. What does the officer handing out breakfast tell the warden is missing in Rubashov’s cell?
(a) Soap at the sink
(b) A towel
(c) A mop for the floor
(d) A chair at the desk

4. To whom is Richard’s sister-in-law married?
(a) A police constable
(b) The mayor of Ludenberg
(c) Johann Rupenstein
(d) Petier Von Luntz

5. What kind of stories did the prisoner in cell 402 often tell?
(a) Anecdotes about the officer’s mess
(b) Anecdotes about his father, a blacksmith
(c) Stories of his girlfriends
(d) Stories of his life in America

6. What does Gletkin say is the reason Gletkin did not give in to torture?
(a) He has a rare disease in which his nerves do not feel pain.
(b) He fainted.
(c) He did give into torture.
(d) He believes in Communism too strongly.

7. What picture hangs over Rubashov’s bed at home?
(a) A picture of No. 1
(b) A picture of his family
(c) A picture of the Red army taking over the tsar’s palace
(d) A picture of a vacation spot in France

8. To what round is Rubashov attached for daily exercise?
(a) Second round
(b) Third round
(c) First round
(d) Fourth round

9. What does Richard say about the material the Party sent him to distribute?
(a) It was written for the lowest of peasants.
(b) It had just the right tone.
(c) It was written very well.
(d) It was full of nonsense.

10. What does Rubashov need in order to get cigarettes?
(a) A visiting relative
(b) A connection with the top prisoner
(c) Money
(d) Prison vouchers

11. What does Ivanov say are the two conceptions of human ethics?
(a) Christian and humane
(b) Humane and collective aim
(c) Natural and man-made
(d) Humane and inhumane

12. What does No. 402 tell Rubashov after Rubashov reveals his name?
(a) I am innocent.
(b) Why are you here?
(c) How the mighty doth fall.
(d) Serves you right.

13. With what was Rubashov’s suitcase filled when he met a man in southern Germany in 1933?
(a) New clothes and passports
(b) Guns and ammunition
(c) Pamphlets against the party
(d) Dental equipment novelties

14. What principle does Ivanov says governs political ethics?
(a) Politicians will always be corrupt
(b) Politics and religion do not mix
(c) The masses do not know what is good for them
(d) The ends justifies the means

15. When No. 402 proclaims the emperor, what does Rubashov say to him?
(a) Don’t say that so loud.
(b) Amen.
(c) I agree.
(d) The emperor is dead.

Short Answer Questions

1. What relative of Arlova’s was arrested over there?

2. What was Richard’s trade?

3. Ivanov believes that he is what kind of person? What kind of person does Ivanov believe Gletkin to be?

4. What does Ivanov say would have made Raskolnikov innocent of a crime?

5. What does Rubashov say is the reason he is lost?

(see the answer keys)

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