Daniel's Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daniel's Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Daniel's public-school teacher shows the class how inferior he is, what does Daniel do to him?
(a) Kicks him.
(b) Cries.
(c) Laughs.
(d) Agrees.

2. When Daniel looks up from his photo album who is staring at him?
(a) Uncle Aaron.
(b) Erika.
(c) HIs father.
(d) His mother.

3. Whom is Daniel's father able to convince the Germans to let stay with him?
(a) Uncle Walter and his family.
(b) Uncle Leo.
(c) Uncle Aaron and his wife.
(d) Opa Samuel and Oma Rachel.

4. What do the Germans search for in the ghetto apartments in June 1944?
(a) Violins.
(b) Cameras.
(c) Radios.
(d) Food.

5. What do Rosa and Erika do for work?
(a) Shine shoes.
(b) Make soup.
(c) Make uniforms.
(d) Peel potatoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. After France and Great Britain declared war on Germany, what does Daniel's family need to get groceries?

2. After Daniel leaves public school, who becomes his new teacher?

3. What does Rosa want Daniel to promise her if deportation begins?

4. What does Oma Miriam write in her note to Daniel's family?

5. After Daniel's first day at his new school, what is his mother is upset about?

Short Essay Questions

1. The day after the Brown Shirt incident, Uncle Peter comes to take a picture of the word, Jew sprayed on Daniel's father's store. Why is this action of importance that it should be photographed?

2. What does Daniel's family's delousing of their clothing and bedding and the parents' attempts to give them a balanced diet mean to the overall plot?

3. How does Daniel's inability to promise Rosa he will hide when his family's deportation papers come demonstrate his love for them?

4. Why does Daniel say the Gestapo officer saw them as only insects?

5. What is significant about the Brown Shirt boycott of Daniel's father's store?

6. What does Daniel's photo album come to represent for him?

7. What is the emotional impact of other countries refusal to accept Jews on Daniel's family?

8. Why does Daniel's father insist they carry their belongings with them instead of doing what the Germans said and putting their belongings in the wagon?

9. Why did Daniel feel he had to go see "The Eternal Jew"?

10. Why does Daniel not react when he and Fredrich find the elderly man dead in his apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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