Daniel's Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daniel's Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why isn't Daniel angry with Adam for what he did?
(a) Because he loved Adam.
(b) Because Adam chose his path.
(c) Because Adam made him laugh.
(d) Because Adam stood up for himself.

2. What does Daniel want to tell those just arriving at the Auschwitz camp?
(a) Save yourselves!
(b) Warn them of their deaths.
(c) Fight!
(d) Run!

3. After Daniel and his father arrive at Auschwitz, where do they go to work?
(a) Monowitz.
(b) Birkenau.
(c) Auschwitz I.
(d) Theresienstadt.

4. While Daniel is in quarantine a second time, where does he sleep?
(a) On mattresses.
(b) On mats.
(c) In a big room.
(d) On bunks.

5. What is a kapo?
(a) A German soldier.
(b) A Jewish soldier.
(c) A prisoner in charge.
(d) A soup.

6. Why is Daniel determined to live?
(a) To find Rosa.
(b) To bear witness against the Germans.
(c) To help his family.
(d) To revenge his grandparents.

7. What big resistance act does Adam refer to?
(a) Killing a bunch of SS guards.
(b) Runing away.
(c) Stealing stuff from Canada.
(d) The burning of Crematorium IV.

8. At Auschwitz, what kind of music played as people go to work or to their deaths?
(a) Birthday tunes.
(b) Happy marching songs.
(c) Graduation marching songs
(d) Funeral marching songs.

9. During Daniel's last night in Lodz, where do he and Rosa say goodbye?
(a) His flat.
(b) The courtyard.
(c) At work.
(d) Her flat.

10. What does Erika tell Daniel when they meet at the fence?
(a) That she won't stop playing.
(b) That she won't survive the selection.
(c) That she won't stop trying.
(d) That she won't play anymore.

11. What happens to Daniel and the others' heads when the barbers shave them at Auschwitz?
(a) They are cut.
(b) They are happy.
(c) They are deloused.
(d) They are careful.

12. What does Father tell Daniel when Daniel refuses to help the wounded Nazi?
(a) Pray for him.
(b) Leave him.
(c) We are not like them.
(d) Run.

13. After working at the factory a week, whom does Daniel meet?
(a) Mother.
(b) Erika.
(c) Rosa.
(d) Adam.

14. How does Adam talk about the horrors he's seen at Auschwitz?
(a) Matter of factly.
(b) Happily.
(c) Somberly.
(d) Sadly.

15. What does Daniel's kapo do after they leave the Canada storehouses?
(a) Whips him.
(b) Punches him.
(c) Winks and kicks him.
(d) Beats him.

Short Answer Questions

1. During Daniel's first night in Auschwitz, what is the only he sounds he can hear once the lights are turned off?

2. During his march back to the barracks from work, what does Daniel tell his father?

3. While in quarantine a second time, whom does Daniel tell his stories?

4. What other food does Daniel's father barter to get to eat with their rations as Auschwitz?

5. What does Daniel feel he has to do to make sure he is free?

(see the answer keys)

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