Dandelion Wine Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dandelion Wine Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Helen Bentley purchase for a group of children?
(a) Sneakers
(b) Candy
(c) Ice cream
(d) Rugs

2. What does Bill Forrester plan on doing that bothers Grandfather greatly?
(a) Move out of the town
(b) Replace his grass with some that does not need to be mowed
(c) Hire Douglas to cut his grass
(d) Plant trees blocking Grandfather's view of the property

3. What does Grandfather need to press with the dandelions Douglas and his brother collect?
(a) Wild strawberries
(b) Mint leaves
(c) Fox grapes
(d) Fresh rainwater

4. What does Douglas suggest he and Tom own together?
(a) Happiness Machine
(b) Gold mine
(c) Green Machine
(d) Ice cream shop

5. Why does Mother grow anxious when Tom returns from the store?
(a) She believes she forgot to unplug the iron
(b) The Lonely One is around
(c) Father is not home yet
(d) Douglas is not home yet

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Frank related to Miss Fern and Miss Roberta?

2. What does Mother send Tom to purchase?

3. Which of the following doesn't Helen show to the children?

4. Who witnessed the event where the Green Machine ran over the someone?

5. What season is it as the novel opens?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did the accident with Mr. Quartermain distress Miss Fern and Miss Roberta so much?

2. What ritual does Douglas take comfort in that relates to the adults in his life?

3. What portion of this section of the novel is the best example of the division between the elderly and the young?

4. What can be said that Leo has tampered with when he follows through on building the Happiness Machine?

5. How did Helen overcome her exasperation at the children not being able to accept the fact that she was once young?

6. What ruins Douglas' zest for life and desire to take in every new detail?

7. Describe how Douglas feels as he completes the task for his grandfather and describe what the tasks are.

8. What does the Green Machine offer to Miss Fern and Miss Roberta that is suddenly taken away after the accident?

9. What is Leo having a difficult time resolving in his own mind that he discusses albeit briefly with Douglas?

10. What revelation does Leo come to after the Happiness Machine burns?

(see the answer keys)

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