Dandelion Wine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dandelion Wine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following terms best describes how Grandma is when it comes to her recipes?
(a) Evasive
(b) Surprising
(c) Angry
(d) Forthcoming

2. What is the second card for Tom that the wax tarot witch delivers?
(a) Prediction
(b) Superstition
(c) Invisible
(d) Poem

3. What does Great-grandma hold up to use with Douglas to explain?
(a) Mirror
(b) Brush
(c) Picture frame
(d) Comb

4. Which of the following descriptions best matches what the children thought the Lonely One looked like?
(a) Tall, dark skin, and light hair
(b) Chubby and red-faced
(c) Short, dark with light hair
(d) Tall, pale with dark hair

5. How does the empty mason jar make Douglas feel?
(a) Hopeful
(b) Sad
(c) Relieved
(d) Empty

6. How does Douglas wonder if memories can travel?
(a) Sound
(b) Through discussions
(c) Across memories
(d) Light

7. What event helps to resolve the differences between Clara and Elmira?
(a) Special brew
(b) Fall down the stairs
(c) Election to the president
(d) Illness

8. What doesn't Grandfather want to talk about?
(a) Death
(b) Colonel Freeleigh
(c) Doom and gloom
(d) Dandelion wine

9. How will Bill know when Helen has died?
(a) He'll get a blue envelope
(b) He'll hear the gossip
(c) He'll read about it in the paper
(d) He'll be visited by her ghost

10. Who takes the phone away from Colonel Freeleigh?
(a) Clara
(b) Douglas
(c) Nurse
(d) Elmira

11. What tool did Lavinia Nebbs use to kill the Lonely One?
(a) Screwdriver
(b) Scissors
(c) Hammer
(d) Knife

12. Where does Douglas keep his fireflies?
(a) Glass
(b) Mason jar
(c) Vase
(d) Outside

13. What chore has Great-grandma always done for the family?
(a) Repairing the roof shingles
(b) Sewing the clothes that are torn
(c) Cooking dinner
(d) Charting the family history

14. Which of the following characters does Great-grandma summon first?
(a) Tom
(b) Grandfather
(c) Douglas
(d) Father

15. What job does Elmira Brown's husband hold?
(a) Postman
(b) Doctor
(c) Auto mechanic
(d) Jewler

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Douglas dream of when he has the fever?

2. How long does Great-grandma tell Douglas she will be around?

3. What does Mr. Black do with the wax figurine?

4. What does Douglas use as a light as he writes down his reflections in his tablet?

5. How does the special brew make Elmira feel?

(see the answer keys)

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