Dancing at Lughnasa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dancing at Lughnasa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What role does Gerry Evans love to play?
(a) Returning hero.
(b) Disabled war veteran.
(c) Fast-talking salesman.
(d) Heartbreaker.

2. What bad news does Chris have from Vera McLaughlin?
(a) The sisters will have to pay for their own wool.
(b) Vera McLaughlin is dissatisfied with the sisters' knitting.
(c) Vera McLaughlin won't be buying more hand-made gloves.
(d) Vera McLaughlin won't pay as much for hand-made gloves.

3. Where does the other Michael Evans live?
(a) Wales.
(b) Dublin.
(c) Barcelona.
(d) London.

4. When does Uncle Jack return to celebrating Mass?
(a) The following Monday, as he promised.
(b) Never.
(c) The following Sunday, as he promised.
(d) On Christmas Eve.

5. What does Maggie think Michael should do instead of write?
(a) Run around outside.
(b) Study.
(c) Fly his kites.
(d) Read.

6. When does Gerry Evans stop visiting the Mundys?
(a) Before 1939.
(b) During World War II.
(c) In 1936.
(d) After 1950.

7. When does Chris say Michael always vanishes?
(a) When there's work to be done.
(b) When it's bedtime.
(c) When it's dinnertime.
(d) When it's time to feed the chickens.

8. What does Gerry Evans have that Chris and Rose doesn't know about?
(a) A baronial estate.
(b) A wife and family.
(c) A secret illness.
(d) A fortune.

9. What does Gerry Evans promise Michael during each annual visit?
(a) A trip to the city.
(b) A bell for his bike.
(c) A new bike.
(d) A trip to Spain.

10. What does Chris think is wrong with the radio?
(a) It's broken.
(b) It's improperly wired.
(c) It's possessed.
(d) It's old.

11. What does Gerry Evans seem to be able to do that no one else in the family can?
(a) Teach Michael to dance.
(b) Earn a living.
(c) Fix a meal with only three eggs.
(d) Fix the radio.

12. What does Maggie say she would choose if she had to select either a plump old widower or one Wild Woodbine?
(a) Both.
(b) Neither.
(c) The plump old widower.
(d) The Wild Woodbine.

13. Why does Rose laugh at Agnes while they are picking berries?
(a) Agnes falls into the bushes.
(b) Agnes makes faces at her.
(c) Agnes gets wet in the stream.
(d) Agnes tells her a joke.

14. When Uncle Jack says "we," to whom does he refer?
(a) The Irish.
(b) The British.
(c) The people in the leper colony.
(d) The family.

15. What skill does Gerry Evans have that the army wanted?
(a) He can ride a motor bike.
(b) He can make explosives.
(c) He can fire a cannon.
(d) He can speak Spanish.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many children does Gerry Evans have besides Michael?

2. What does Gerry Evans say they need to check if the aerial is all right but the radio still won't work?

3. What does Chris want Gerry Evans to do for the family?

4. Why does Michael say his kites haven't flown?

5. Which of the sisters would care that Austin Morgan is getting married?

(see the answer keys)

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