Dancing at Lughnasa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Dancing at Lughnasa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Bernie O'Donnell's husband from?
(a) Dublin.
(b) Stockholm.
(c) London.
(d) Ballybeg.

2. Where has Uncle Jack been when the story opens?
(a) In a leper colony in Uganda.
(b) Working for the British army in East Africa.
(c) In London.
(d) In Dublin.

3. How long does Gerry Evans think he's been away?
(a) Thirteen months.
(b) Eighteen months.
(c) A year.
(d) Six months.

4. How does Gerry Evans react when Chris tells him the family is watching them?
(a) "Let's get out of sight!"
(b) "They're just jealous!"
(c) "Better still!"
(d) "Shame on them!"

5. What does Agnes call her sisters when they dance immodestly?
(a) Creatures.
(b) Demons.
(c) Pagans.
(d) Animals.

6. Why does Kate ask God to forgive her?
(a) For judging her sisters.
(b) For poisoning the atmosphere in the house.
(c) For refusing to dance.
(d) For calling Gerry Evans a bastard.

7. How does Michael scare Maggie?
(a) Michael pretends to see a rat.
(b) Michael pretends to see a spider.
(c) Michael pretends to see a mouse.
(d) Michael pretends to see a snake.

8. Why doesn't Gerry Evans bring Michael a bicycle?
(a) The one he sees is too small.
(b) The one he sees is for girls.
(c) The one he sees is the wrong color.
(d) The one he sees is too big.

9. Which of the sisters is first to stop work and dance to the radio music?
(a) Maggie.
(b) Chris.
(c) Rose.
(d) Agnes.

10. From what disease does Uncle Jack suffer?
(a) Dengue fever.
(b) Leprosy.
(c) Malaria.
(d) Consumption.

11. Why don't the Mundys speak of Uncle Jack when he is a chaplain for the British army?
(a) Kate is in the War of Independence against Britain.
(b) They are angry with him.
(c) They don't know where he was.
(d) They are afraid of endangering Uncle Jack.

12. What does Kate bring Chris from town because she is "far too pale?"
(a) Quinine.
(b) Cod-liver oil.
(c) Lipstick.
(d) Flowers.

13. What is Kate's nickname at school?
(a) The turkey.
(b) The mother hen.
(c) The gander.
(d) The goose.

14. Who is Bernie O'Donnell?
(a) An old friend of Kate's.
(b) An old friend of Agnes's.
(c) An old friend of Maggie's.
(d) An old friend of Rose's.

15. What is the name of the village where the Mundys live?
(a) Abyssinia.
(b) Ryanga.
(c) Ballybeg.
(d) Donegal.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the sisters feel about Uncle Jack while he is in the leper colony?

2. What feeling does the radio create in Michael?

3. What does the Donegal Enquirer call Uncle Jack?

4. Which of the sisters dances alone?

5. Who is Lugh?

(see the answer keys)

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