Dance Hall of the Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dance Hall of the Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 5, Leaphorn talks to Young Husband, a neighbor to the commune. Where has Young Husband spent 12 months?
(a) New York.
(b) California.
(c) Vietnam.
(d) Albuquerque.

2. Where did Leaphorn attend college?
(a) Arizona State.
(b) University of New Mexico.
(c) University of Arizona.
(d) New Mexico State.

3. Who considers the hippies as generous, ignorant, friendly, bad mannered but well intentioned?
(a) Young Husband.
(b) Joe Leaphorn.
(c) Ted Isaacs.
(d) Young Wife.

4. On what road is Leaphorn traveling in the last scene of Chapter 6?
(a) The Ramah-Ojo Caliente Road.
(b) N.M. 53.
(c) The wagon trail.
(d) Interstate 40.

5. In Chapter 9, why is Cecil worried about removing anything from the hogan?
(a) He thinks George will return.
(b) Cecil has nothing.
(c) He doesn't want ghost sickness.
(d) Cecil is grief-stricken.

6. In Chapter 5, who does Leaphorn witness driving away from the commune?
(a) Dr. Reynolds.
(b) Susanne.
(c) Ted Isaacs.
(d) Two men and two women.

7. What is a carryall?
(a) A first aid kit.
(b) A van.
(c) A backpack.
(d) A truck.

8. In Chapter 1, what is stenciled on the back of the Little Fire God's sweatshirt?
(a) Property of Zuni Consolidated Schools.
(b) Property of St. Anthony's Mission Church.
(c) Property of the Zuni Pueblo.
(d) Property of the Little Fire God.

9. According to Susanne in Chapter 6, what had George asked her about the day before?
(a) Kachina forgiveness or absolution.
(b) Converting to Zuni religion.
(c) Where to find a kachina.
(d) How to become a shaman.

10. What drug does Leaphorn ask if Otis took?
(a) LSD.
(b) Peyote.
(c) Crack.
(d) Ecstasy.

11. Ernesto Cata is one of the missing boys. What other name or role does the reader know Cata by?
(a) Zuni Kachina.
(b) Badger Spirit.
(c) The Little Sun God.
(d) The Little Fire God.

12. What language do words like Shulawitsi and Shalako come from?
(a) Ute.
(b) Zuni.
(c) Hopi.
(d) Navajo.

13. Where is Leaphorn at 7:22 a.m. on December 2?
(a) At Shorty Bowleg's hogan.
(b) At the Ramah chapter house.
(c) On the road to the Zuni village.
(d) At Ernesto Cata's burial site.

14. What was the secret name given to Nashibitti at the Night Way Ceremonial?
(a) She Who Remains Silent.
(b) He Who Gives Answers.
(c) She Who is Wise.
(d) He Who Asks Questions.

15. Who says, "When the dung beetle moves, know that something has moved it"?
(a) Joe Leaphorn.
(b) Cata's uncle.
(c) Hosteen Nashibitti.
(d) Ed Pasquaanti.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Naranjo's hat made of?

2. Whose nickname is "Orange"?

3. According to Cecil, who stole something from the anthropologists at the dig site?

4. In gathering up Cecil's clothing in Chapter 9, what does Leaphorn pack in a grocery sack?

5. What is Halona Itawana?

(see the answer keys)

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