Daisy Miller Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daisy Miller Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Daisy berate Winterbourne for?
(a) not minding his own business
(b) believing everything he hears
(c) not calling at her hotel
(d) not standing up for her

2. What does Winterbourne say he had done to Daisy?
(a) an injustice
(b) slapped her face
(c) told her off
(d) contributed to the rumors about her

3. What is the era the navel DAISY MILLER takes place in?
(a) the Edwardian era
(b) the Revolutionary era
(c) the Victorian era
(d) the Renaissance era

4. What does Winterbourne notice about Giovanelli?
(a) that he keeps trying to get rid of Winterbourne
(b) that his English is heavily accented
(c) that he puts his arm around Daisy's slim waist
(d) that he is accomplished at speaking with American women

5. What does Winterbourne do instead of trying to let Daisy know his true feelings?
(a) obsesses over her relationship with the other man
(b) insists that she apologize to Mrs. Walker
(c) ignores her completely
(d) brushes her off to talk with Giovanelli

Short Answer Questions

1. At the Colosseum, what does Winterbourne give Daisy over to?

2. What does Daisy say she intends to do?

3. What news does Mrs. Costello have for her nephew?

4. What does Winterbourne accept as the truth?

5. Where does Winterbourne run into Daisy after not seeing her for some time?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Winterbourne begin to size up Giovanelli?

2. Describe the difference between Mrs. Costello's opinion of Daisy and Mrs. Miller's opinion.

3. How does Giovanelli attempt to warn off Winterbourne who is walking toward him and Daisy?

4. How do the American women try to prevent Daisy from going to meet Giovanelli?

5. Describe Daisy's coquettish behavior that Winterbourne takes the wrong way.

6. What is the admonition Winterbourne receives from his aunt?

7. What is Winterbourne's ulterior motive in going with Daisy to meet Giovanelli?

8. What does Daisy say she is about to do that scandalizes the Americans at Mrs. Walker's house?

9. Describe the coincidental meeting between Winterbourne and Daisy.

10. How does the news about Daisy alter Winterbourne's plans after he arrives in Rome?

(see the answer keys)

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