Daisy Miller Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daisy Miller Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Daisy say she intends to do?
(a) to look for new men
(b) to find a local bar
(c) to stroll and socialize with Mr. Giovanelli
(d) to sit in the garden and read

2. How does Daisy tease Winterbourne about her reported engagement?
(a) she shows him her diamond engagement ring
(b) she asks him what he believes
(c) first she says she is and then says she isn't
(d) she asks where to shop for wedding dresses

3. What does Winterbourne volunteer to do?
(a) find Daisy a carriage
(b) hold the door open for Daisy to exit
(c) call on Daisy the next day
(d) walk with Daisy to her rendezvous

4. How does Winterbourne defend Daisy?
(a) saying she is only naive
(b) saying she is just trying to learn the language
(c) saying she is the innocent victim of her beauty
(d) saying she is not cultured but not bad

5. What does Mrs. Miller suppose Daisy's situation is?
(a) perfectly natural for any young girl
(b) carefree and able to take care of herself
(c) engaged and thus not in any danger
(d) the innocent victim of gossip

Short Answer Questions

1. Seen by Daisy as he is about to leave the Colosseum, what does she accuse Winterbourne of?

2. What does Winterbourne say he had done to Daisy?

3. Who does Winterbourne suggest will misinterpret Daisy's activities?

4. Who is the first person Winterbourne goes to visit in Rome?

5. How do people like Mrs. Costello often make judgments of others?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Daisy's coquettish behavior that Winterbourne takes the wrong way.

2. Describe the point at which Daisy and Winterbourne come into conflict.

3. What does Mrs. Walker say Daisy has done that is unacceptable?

4. How does the news about Daisy alter Winterbourne's plans after he arrives in Rome?

5. How does Winterbourne lecture Daisy at the Palace of the Caesars?

6. How does Mrs. Miller show her own naivete regarding Giovanelli?

7. To solve the problem of Daisy's going alone, how does Winterbourne provide an answer?

8. How does Giovanelli attempt to warn off Winterbourne who is walking toward him and Daisy?

9. In what way does Daisy turn the tables on Winterbourne when he warns her about Giovanelli?

10. How does Winterbourne begin to size up Giovanelli?

(see the answer keys)

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