Daisy Miller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daisy Miller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a young American named Winterbourne doing in Vevey, Switzerland?
(a) taking the hot baths
(b) visiting his aunt
(c) going to school
(d) writing a book

2. What is Winterbourne's reason for being attracted to Daisy?
(a) she is obviously a rich girl
(b) she is an excellent conversationalist
(c) she is wonderfully pretty
(d) she has no morals whatsoever

3. What bothers Winterbourne about Daisy's attitude toward the courier?
(a) the antagonism
(b) the condescension
(c) the familiarity
(d) the formality

4. What is Daisy's brother's addiction?
(a) hamburgers
(b) sweets
(c) cheese
(d) German beer

5. What does Daisy realize from Winterbourne's excuses about his aunt?
(a) that she is very ill
(b) that he doesn't really have an aunt in the hotel
(c) that he has not spoken to his aunt
(d) that she doesn't want to meet Daisy

6. What are all the people doing as they pass out of the great hall?
(a) minding their own business
(b) looking very hard
(c) talking about the weather
(d) trying to get out the door

7. Under what pretense does Daisy not want him to come to Rome?
(a) to help find a school for Randolph
(b) to collect Italian art
(c) to visit his aunt
(d) to look for a job

8. Why do they meet where he is waiting?
(a) he cannot go up to her room
(b) Daisy's mother is in the back garden
(c) Randolph hates the main hall
(d) Daisy made the arrangement

9. What habit of Randolph's is a great worry to his mother and Daisy?
(a) he goes around breaking things
(b) he talks too much
(c) he doesn't sleep
(d) he will only listen to the courier

10. Where does Winterbourne wait for Daisy to join him for the trip to the castle?
(a) in the hotel dining room
(b) the garden in back of the hotel
(c) the large hall of the hotel
(d) out in front of the hotel

11. What does Eugenio suggest to Daisy?
(a) that she go fetch another shawl
(b) that she wear a life jacket
(c) that she not go out on a boat
(d) that she make up her own mind

12. How does Winterbourne want to travel to the castle?
(a) in a carriage
(b) by bicycle
(c) in a motor car
(d) in a row boat

13. What secretly pleases Winterbourne?
(a) that no men try to speak to her
(b) that she doesn't look at any men
(c) that people look at how pretty she is
(d) that she makes such a spectacle of herself

14. What are Americans seen as failing to do?
(a) properly appreciate Europe's ancient charms
(b) speak loudly in public
(c) learning european languages
(d) eat with the right utensils

15. What is symbolized by the ruins of the Chillon Castle?
(a) the decay of Europe
(b) Europe's cultural heritage
(c) Europe's immobile economy
(d) the inferiority of Europeans

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mrs. Costello see Daisy?

2. Why do Mrs. Costello and the Europeans not need physical proof of Daisy's indiscretions?

3. Who does Winterbourne meet outside the hotel?

4. What is Winterbourne's impression of himself?

5. What does the brother say Daisy's real name is?

(see the answer keys)

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