The Crying of Lot 49 Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Crying of Lot 49 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Oedipa try to call from a phone booth before she heads to the bookstore?
(a) Mucho.
(b) Driblette.
(c) Fallopian.
(d) Metzger.

2. According to Genghis Cohen, who organized the courier service in the Bergamo region around 1290?
(a) Oliver Tass.
(b) Omedio Tassis.
(c) Thurn Taxis.
(d) Thurn Tassis.

3. Bortz leads Oedipa into a study to view woodcut illustrations from the pornographic version of the play. What does she see hovering in the background of the obscene images?
(a) WASTE symbol.
(b) Trystero.
(c) Love.
(d) Death.

4. Mucho's boss, Funch, says Mucho is losing his identity and becoming more ________.
(a) Generic
(b) Erratic
(c) Sad
(d) Funny

5. What kind of stamp does Genghis Cohen invite Oedipa over to view that bears the muted post horn, belly-up badger, and a motto referring to Tristero's empire?
(a) An old European stamp.
(b) An old Russian stamp.
(c) An old American stamp.
(d) An old French stamp.

6. Bortz imagines one visionary militant addressing a group of Tristero members in a tavern to propose a merger with official postal couriers. What name does he give to this visionary?
(a) Konrad.
(b) Conan.
(c) Kenny.
(d) Conrad.

7. In Chapter 5, it is explained that the equations for the entropy of heat-engines coincidentally resemble the equations for what?
(a) Control.
(b) Coincidence.
(c) Combustion.
(d) Communication.

8. The San Francisco tourist wearing the lapel pin advises Oedipa to write his group's founder through the ____ system.
(a) WASTE.
(b) Postal.
(c) Peter Pinguid Society.
(d) Underground mail.

9. Oedipa's hotel room in the Berkeley hills contains a reproduction of whose painting?
(a) Vincent Van Gogh.
(b) Remedios Varo.
(c) Picasso.
(d) Reynoldo Vanos.

10. Oedipa returns to Echo Courts to find the Paranoids in shock because _________ ran off with one of their girlfriends.
(a) Metzger.
(b) Mucho.
(c) Miles.
(d) Humbert Humbert.

11. Genghis Cohen claims that the stamp, which depicts a Pony Express rider galloping out of a western fort into a black feather, is what?
(a) Counterfeit.
(b) Rare.
(c) Extinct.
(d) Priceless.

12. While wandering amongst the tourists in downtown San Francisco, Oedipa sees what on a lapel pin?
(a) Maxwell's demon.
(b) WASTE symbol.
(c) Thurn and Tassis.
(d) KCUF radio symbol.

13. Oedipa goes to Zapf's Used Books to buy a copy of what book?
(a) The Trystero.
(b) Jacobean Revenge Plays.
(c) The Bible.
(d) Real Revenge Plays.

14. What was the name of the author of the preface of the "Plays of Ford, Webster, Tourneur and Wharfinger," who Oedipa travels to the Cal State campus to find?
(a) Emory Bortz.
(b) Stanley Koteks.
(c) John Nefastis.
(d) Clerk Maxwell.

15. What does Stanley Koteks ask Oedipa to look into at Yoyodyne when he thinks she is connected to the company?
(a) Mandatory teamwork.
(b) Clause on patents.
(c) Smoking ban.
(d) Clause on research.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the home for senior citizens that Oedipa visits?

2. Whose address in Berkeley does Stanley Koteks give to Oedipa?

3. What does Mucho offer to Oedipa before they leave the pizzeria?

4. A young female graduate student reveals to Oedipa that ________ drowned himself in the Pacific Ocean two days ago.

5. Why does Oedipa return to Kinneret to see Dr. Hilarius?

(see the answer keys)

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