Cry of the Kalahari Test | Final Test - Hard

Mark James Owens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cry of the Kalahari Test | Final Test - Hard

Mark James Owens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why couldn't the Owens reach Gypsy's cubs to save them before starvation took them?

2. What was Mox's primary language at the time when he was hired?

3. In what month does the rainy season typically start in the Kalahari?

4. Which of the following adjectives best described Mox at the time when he was hired by the Owens?

5. According to the Owens' research, why do hyenas live in packs?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was Mox?

2. Why did the Owens find it necessary to tag the gang of brown hyenas that lived near their camp?

3. What scientific visitors did the Owens receive at their camp during the dry season of 1979?

4. What was Satan, and how did he die?

5. What condition was Blue in at the time when the Owens first found her?

6. What state was Bones in when the Owens first found him?

7. Why were the Owens surprised when the Blue Pride accepted Happy as one of their own?

8. How did the wildebeest react to the fence that had been constructed by the local farmers to protect their livestock?

9. How did Mark manage to purchase an airplane for his research?

10. How do lions communicate?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

When the Owens first chose the Kalahari as their research site, they were immediately presented with major problems that threatened the success of their research. Choose two of the major problems that the Owens faced within the first month of moving to the Kalahari. How did each of these problems arise? What was the Owens' reaction to each of these problems? Do you think these were overreactions given the situations or under reactions? How can you tell? Finally, describe how each of these problems were solved so that the Owens were able to stay and research in the Kalahari.

Essay Topic 2

Mark and Delia Owens were a formidable couple from the moment they first met. First, describe how Mark and Delia first met. What drew the pair of them together? How did they know they would be a good match for each other? Then, choose at least one example from the Owens' early history together and describe how this incident showcases the Owens' desire to change the world, regardless of how well-accepted their decision might be. How did this early decision eventually lead to the couple's move to the Kalahari? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.

Essay Topic 3

There were many injured and sick lions that the Owens attempted to help during their time in the Kalahari. First, choose one "success" story and describe how the Owens improved the life of one lion that surely would have died without the Owens' intervention. Then, compare / contrast that story to one that was NOT successful. What was the outcome of the Owens' meddling in the second case? Then, explain whether or not you think the Owens' time in the Kalahari was beneficial to the animals there, or if the Owens put their own needs first. Explain why. Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.

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