Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one alternative considered by Amelia as a solution to the problem?
(a) Dress in costume as a mummy herself.
(b) Let Lucas and Evelyn go to Cairo and get help.
(c) Take Lucas' revolver for her own.
(d) Take the boat herself and get help.

2. What plan do Radcliffe and Amelia make to escape from the tomb in which they are trapped by Lucas?
(a) Amelia will roll rocks down the hill and try to hit Lucas.
(b) Radcliffe will fire the pistol to cause an avalanche onto Lucas.
(c) Amelia will roll rocks down the hill while Radcliffe gets behind Lucas.
(d) Radcliffe will lower Amelia down to the path for her excape.

3. What do Emerson and Amelia deduce about Evelyn while stuck in their tomb?
(a) She must have inherited her grandfather's money.
(b) She must have been lying about Alberto.
(c) She must have been sick when she was in Rome.
(d) She must have been in love with Lucas when she was younger.

4. After the mystery of the mummy is solved, what happens to Amelia?
(a) She returns to England with Radcliffe.
(b) She leaves Walter, and Evelyn settles happily in Amarna.
(c) She returns home to write a book.
(d) She marries Radcliffe and they have a child.

5. Where are Walter and Evelyn living at the end of the story?
(a) Ellesmere Castle.
(b) Cairo.
(c) London.
(d) Alexandria.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do both Amelia and Radcliffe recognize about Walter?

2. Where does Emerson suspect the mummy's costume was purchased?

3. What does Amelia show Radcliffe as evidence of Michael's disappearance?

4. What does Amelia realize when she sees Lucas approaching the group?

5. What sounds do Radcliffe and Amelia hear as they are tending to the victim on the path?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Radcliffe want to speak with Amelia alone? Have his opinions of her changed in the last few days? How?

2. Why do Lucas and Walter end up in a fist fight in front of Evelyn? What about Lucas' behavior gives us another clue as to his character and motivations?

3. in the end, everyone decides not to take Lucas to court for what he has done. Why do they make this decision, and what happens to Lucas?

4. What is the purpose of Chapter 8 in the story? Why is the chapter important to the novel? What does the chapter add to the love triangle of Evelyn, Walter and Lucas?

5. While Walter is asleep, what is going on all around him? At what point does he wake up from his drugged state and realize what is happening? How does he respond?

6. When Amelia wakes in the middle of the night, she finds Radcliffe in her room. Why is he there, and how does he protect Amelia? How does this scene compare to those in earlier chapters between the two characters?

7. What does Lucas do to celebrate the engagement of Evelyn and Walter? What does he say about his broken heart? What wish does he have for the couple?

8. The argument between Lucas and Walter and the subsequent engagement of Walter and Evelyn gives resolution to one of the love interests in the book. The problem of the mummy remains. What is the author doing in this chapter to prepare the reader for the climax of the mystery?

9. What does Lucas offer to Radcliffe as an apology for taking artifacts from the country? How does Emerson respond to the gift, and why?

10. Why has Lucas invented this elaborate plot to capture Evelyn and force her to marry him? What are his real motives?

(see the answer keys)

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