Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is shooting at Radcliffe?
(a) The mummy.
(b) Lucas.
(c) Mohammed.
(d) Walter.

2. Why has Radcliffe entered Amelia's room with a gun?
(a) To scare the mummy from its hiding place.
(b) To scare her.
(c) To murder her.
(d) To kill the cobra on her bed.

3. What does Amelia tell Lucas will redeem him in the eyes of Radcliffe Emerson?
(a) To leave the area immediately.
(b) To marry Evelyn so that Walter does not.
(c) To catch the wandering mummy.
(d) Stop buying artifacts and return all he has to the British Museum.

4. When did Lucas actually arrive in a town nearby to Amarna?
(a) A few days after Amelia and Evelyn.
(b) The day before Amelia and Evelyn.
(c) A week before Amelia and Evelyn.
(d) Two weeks before Amelia and Evelyn.

5. Who are the only two people who have not been harmed during the search for the mummy's identity?
(a) Radcliffe and Evelyn.
(b) Amelia and Lucas.
(c) Michael and Amelia.
(d) Amelia and Evelyn.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the mystery of the mummy is solved, what happens to Amelia?

2. What sounds do Radcliffe and Amelia hear as they are tending to the victim on the path?

3. Who is waiting to take care of Amelia and Radcliffe after his injury?

4. Where does Radcliffe take Amelia after lunch?

5. Who does Amelia say Walter reminds her of?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Radcliffe and Amelia are trapped with the ailing Michael by Lucas, what do the two realize about what has really been happening and Lucas' involvement in it all?

2. When Amelia wakes in the middle of the night, she finds Radcliffe in her room. Why is he there, and how does he protect Amelia? How does this scene compare to those in earlier chapters between the two characters?

3. Who comes into Amelia's bed chamber in the middle of the night, and what does the person want? Why are they both still awake? What is the real motive for the visitor's concern?

4. Evelyn is concerned for the safety of the group and thinks the mummy will leave them alone if she agrees to marry Lucas and the two of them depart. How does Amelia react to Evelyn's plan? What does this tell us about the two women and how well they know each other?

5. The group decide to go along with Lucas' plan for catching the mummy the following evening. What is the plan, and why do the others go along with it? How does the plan backfire and cause more harm than good?

6. What does Amelia reveal to Walter that causes him to run after Evelyn and declare his love? How does Radcliffe react to his younger brother's impulsiveness?

7. What does Lucas do when Michael attempts to speak to Amelia in private? Why has Lucas done this? Why does Amelia react the way she does?

8. Where do Amelia and Radcliffe go the afternoon of Lucas' arrival? What happens to them while they are talking and exploring their surroundings? How does the situation resolve? How does this add to the suspense building in the story?

9. Why has Lucas invented this elaborate plot to capture Evelyn and force her to marry him? What are his real motives?

10. What are some examples of tension and suspense the author creates in this chapter? How does the author engage most of the main characters in the action of the chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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