Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name the Egyptians give to Amelia?
(a) Lady Nurse, the savior.
(b) Amelia, the strong and tireless.
(c) Sitt Hakim, or lady doctor.
(d) Beni Hassan, or mother of the children.

2. How old is Amelia when her father dies?
(a) Thirty-two.
(b) Thirty-five.
(c) Thirty-nine.
(d) Forty-one.

3. Where do Evelyn, Walter, Radcliffe and Amelia dine the first night Radcliffe joins them since his illness?
(a) On the dahabeenya.
(b) On the balcony.
(c) In the Emersons' quarters.
(d) In the dining hall.

4. What is a dahabeeyah?
(a) A luxury liner.
(b) A steamship.
(c) An elaborate houseboat.
(d) A paddleboat.

5. What does Radcliffe notice about Amelia's hands while they are having dinner?
(a) Her hands are soft and well-cared for.
(b) Her hands are black and blue from digging in a tomb.
(c) Her hands are rough and chafed from working on the pavement.
(d) Her hands are cracked and bleeding from digging.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Amelia hear outside her room in the middle of the night?

2. With what now-familiar object does Amelia threaten Alberto?

3. What do Emerson and Abdullah agree on about the situation with the villagers?

4. Why does Amelia believe Evelyn will not be her traveling companion after their return from Egypt?

5. What animals do Evelyn and Amelia procure in the village?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Amelia takes Evelyn shopping, what does she learn about Evelyn? What does she learn about herself? Why is this important to Amelia?

2. The novel takes place in the late 1800's, and at that time it was unusual for two women to travel abroad together without male companionship. What do we learn about these two women and their attitudes about the conventions of the times?

3. Why do Amelia and Evelyn decide to amend their plans and remain in Beni Hassan with the Emersons? Are both women happy with the decision? Why?

4. While in Beni Hassan, what does Amelia come to understand about Radcliffe Emerson's tirade on the antiquities of Egypt? How does this affect her?

5. Evelyn is visited by two suitors while she is in Cairo. How does she know each of them? How do they represent the two parts of her life that she is struggling with in the story?

6. How does Amelia describe Lucas Hayes? As the visit continues, how do the two respond to each other? Are they on friendly terms at the end of the chapter? Is Lucas the kind of man Amelia would find interesting or entertaining?

7. In Chapter 2, the author introduces a group of male characters. Two of them are to travel with Amelia and Evelyn. Who are these men? What do we learn about them in this chapter? Does the reader know what role these characters play in the story?

8. Amelia is awakened in the middle of the night. What wakes her, and how does she respond? What does she find in the morning that confuses her even more?

9. What do Amelia and Evelyn discover when they arrive in Armana? How do the two women react? What do we learn about Walter in this scene?

10. What name is Amelia given by the villagers in Beni Hassan? Why has she earned this name? Is it a fitting name?

(see the answer keys)

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