Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Emerson ask Amelia to promise when he leaves her on her boat and heads back to Walter?
(a) To not speak to him again.
(b) To signal when the mummy has arrived.
(c) To follow the plan and be careful
(d) To eat a light dinner.

2. After the mystery of the mummy is solved, what happens to Amelia?
(a) She returns home to write a book.
(b) She leaves Walter, and Evelyn settles happily in Amarna.
(c) She marries Radcliffe and they have a child.
(d) She returns to England with Radcliffe.

3. What does Lucas say to Michael when he approaches the table?
(a) "Please do not interrupt our conversation."
(b) "You are fired!"
(c) "Why are you bothering us?"
(d) "You are not needed. My men will serve the meal."

4. What does Lucas have that interests the entire group?
(a) A motor for his boat.
(b) An amulet.
(c) A papyrus.
(d) A hieroglyphics.

5. Who is shooting at Radcliffe?
(a) The mummy.
(b) Lucas.
(c) Mohammed.
(d) Walter.

6. Why has Radcliffe entered Amelia's room with a gun?
(a) To murder her.
(b) To scare her.
(c) To scare the mummy from its hiding place.
(d) To kill the cobra on her bed.

7. What happens to Radcliffe and Amelia that injures Radcliffe?
(a) A bat in the tomb bites Radcliffe.
(b) They fall off a small cliff.
(c) Rocks fall and nearly kill them.
(d) Radcliffe trips and injures his leg.

8. What does Amelia tell Lucas will redeem him in the eyes of Radcliffe Emerson?
(a) To catch the wandering mummy.
(b) To leave the area immediately.
(c) Stop buying artifacts and return all he has to the British Museum.
(d) To marry Evelyn so that Walter does not.

9. What do both Amelia and Radcliffe recognize about Walter?
(a) That he is angry with Radcliffe.
(b) That he is in love with Evelyn.
(c) That he is bored with the search for the mummy.
(d) That he wants to leave the site.

10. Who announces to the group that a visitor has arrived?
(a) Abdullah.
(b) Michael.
(c) Hassan.
(d) Mohammed.

11. Who are the only two people who have not been harmed during the search for the mummy's identity?
(a) Radcliffe and Evelyn.
(b) Michael and Amelia.
(c) Amelia and Lucas.
(d) Amelia and Evelyn.

12. Why has Lucas Hayes joined the group in Amarna?
(a) To see Evelyn.
(b) To meet the Emersons.
(c) To study archaeology.
(d) To see the progress they have made.

13. Who do Emerson and Amelia find at the bottom of the path?
(a) A wounded Abdullah.
(b) A wounded Michael.
(c) A wounded Lucas.
(d) A wounded Walter.

14. Who does Amelia say Walter reminds her of?
(a) Radcliffe.
(b) Adonis.
(c) Her father.
(d) Mussolini.

15. What does Lucas suggest to Amelia as a means of helping them both fall asleep?
(a) Hot cocoa.
(b) Another glass of wine.
(c) Warm milk.
(d) A short moonlight stroll.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Lucas' boat?

2. What does Lucas reveal to Walter about Evelyn?

3. Who does Lucas shoot and wound?

4. What does Amelia realize when she sees Lucas approaching the group?

5. What does Evelyn suggest as bait for the mummy?

(see the answer keys)

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