Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lucas offer to obtain for Evelyn?
(a) The boxes of her belongings that her grandfather sent.
(b) The possessions she left in Cairo.
(c) The truth about her heritage.
(d) The money she has inherited.

2. What does Amelia do when she sees Emerson's sadness over the destruction of his work?
(a) She wraps an arm around his shoulders.
(b) She ignores his feelings.
(c) She kisses him on the cheek.
(d) She holds his hand.

3. Where does Michael go after he recovers from his injuries while held captive?
(a) He goes on the hunt for Lucas.
(b) He leaves for Alexandria.
(c) He returns to Cairo.
(d) He stays with Radcliffe and Amelia.

4. Who finally subdues Lucas during the gunshots?
(a) Walter.
(b) Abdullah.
(c) Michael.
(d) Mohammed.

5. What does Emerson ask Amelia to promise when he leaves her on her boat and heads back to Walter?
(a) To follow the plan and be careful
(b) To not speak to him again.
(c) To eat a light dinner.
(d) To signal when the mummy has arrived.

6. What does Lucas criticize Evelyn for when they are sitting on the boat?
(a) Her coloring.
(b) Her clothing.
(c) Her weight.
(d) Her hair.

7. Why has Lucas Hayes joined the group in Amarna?
(a) To see the progress they have made.
(b) To see Evelyn.
(c) To meet the Emersons.
(d) To study archaeology.

8. What happens to Radcliffe and Amelia that injures Radcliffe?
(a) Rocks fall and nearly kill them.
(b) Radcliffe trips and injures his leg.
(c) A bat in the tomb bites Radcliffe.
(d) They fall off a small cliff.

9. Why does Radcliffe believe Amelia needs recuperative sleep after their meeting?
(a) She has not made a sarcastic remark for ten minutes.
(b) She has begun crying.
(c) She has decided there is no mummy; it is a figment of their imaginations.
(d) She has not made any sense when she speaks.

10. After the mystery of the mummy is solved, what happens to Amelia?
(a) She leaves Walter, and Evelyn settles happily in Amarna.
(b) She marries Radcliffe and they have a child.
(c) She returns to England with Radcliffe.
(d) She returns home to write a book.

11. How does Emerson explain the fact that they are so groggy after drinking the wine?
(a) He explains it is too warm to sleep in the tomb.
(b) He explains they have been drugged.
(c) He explains they are too tired to sleep.
(d) He explains there are noises that sound like the mummy.

12. What is read from the papyrus?
(a) A poem about the Nile.
(b) A poem about pharaohs.
(c) A poem about Amon.
(d) A poem about lovers.

13. What does Walter want Amelia and Evelyn to do now that the danger has increased?
(a) Look for Michael to take care of them.
(b) Return to the boat.
(c) Leave the camp immediately.
(d) Let Lucas take them home.

14. What is the name of Lucas' boat?
(a) The Cleopatra.
(b) Elesmere.
(c) The Philea.
(d) Hayes II.

15. What does Lucas prepare for the group in the late afternoon after Radcliffe is injured?
(a) A song to lift their spirits.
(b) An explanation of how much he loves Evelyn.
(c) Pate and crackers.
(d) A fancy table with flowers, silverware and liquor for all.

Short Answer Questions

1. What plan do Radcliffe and Amelia make to escape from the tomb in which they are trapped by Lucas?

2. What does Amelia tell Radcliffe as they end their conversation about Walter and Evelyn?

3. What did Evelyn's grandfather pack in her box of possessions that he sent out of the house?

4. Where does Emerson think Lucas has gone now that he has lost Evelyn to Walter?

5. Who are the only two people who have not been harmed during the search for the mummy's identity?

(see the answer keys)

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