Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Amelia propose that she and Evelyn do immediately?
(a) Leave Egypt.
(b) Leave the hotel.
(c) Leave the room.
(d) Leave Cairo.

2. What does Alberto offer when he speaks to Evelyn in her sitting room?
(a) He offers a divorce.
(b) He proposes to marry her.
(c) He proposes to run away with her.
(d) He offers to take her back to Rome.

3. What does Amelia receive upon her father's death?
(a) All of his money.
(b) A third of his money.
(c) His house and all of his belongings.
(d) His house and a sixth of his money.

4. What does Emerson warn Amelia about working with her hands?
(a) They may take a long time to recover in the desert.
(b) They might become gangrened.
(c) She needs to wear gloves.
(d) They could become infected and need to be amputated.

5. What does Emerson say about Evelyn's drawings of the pavement?
(a) "Very nice work!"
(b) "Are you an artist?"
(c) "Not at all bad."
(d) "These will not help me at all!"

6. How does Amelia react when she sees the apparition?
(a) She closes her eyes and pretends to sleep.
(b) She screams out in terror.
(c) She calls for Evelyn to come see it.
(d) She attempts to grab it through the mosquito netting.

7. Who do Amelia and Evelyn meet while at the museum?
(a) The Emerson brothers.
(b) Alberto.
(c) Simon Vance.
(d) Lucas Hayes.

8. Why does Abdullah think the men have stopped singing while they work?
(a) He believes they no longer want to work for the Englishmen.
(b) He believes they are unhappy over their wages.
(c) He believes they are frightened of the dead.
(d) He believes they are exhausted and overworked.

9. Who does Amelia hire as a companion for her journey?
(a) Miss Waldorf.
(b) Miss Pritchett.
(c) Miss Maspero.
(d) Mrs. Broom.

10. Where does Amelia visit again before leaving Cairo?
(a) Amarna.
(b) M. Maspero's museum.
(c) The tomb in which the Emersons are working.
(d) The Great Pyramid.

11. Why does Michael come in search of Amelia when she is shopping for medical supplies?
(a) His daughter has left with M.Maspero.
(b) His daughter is having a baby.
(c) His daughter is sick and needs medical attention.
(d) His daughter has run away.

12. Why do the two women hire Michael Bedawee?
(a) To be the dragoman.
(b) To guide them to the Nile.
(c) To help them speak Arabic.
(d) To clean their boat.

13. What does Amelia ask Walter to do for Emerson after he has fainted and been brought back to bed?
(a) Give him a bath.
(b) Shave off his beard.
(c) Force him to drink water.
(d) Feed him more grains.

14. What do Radcliffe and Amelia discuss the day after his illness, as he recovers?
(a) Khuenaten and hieroglyphics.
(b) Evelyn and Walter.
(c) Medical curatives.
(d) Women working outside of the home.

15. What do the villagers say that they see at night?
(a) The ghost of Pharaoh Khuenaten.
(b) The stars in the sky.
(c) Amon's ghostly figure.
(d) The mummy walking through their village.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has followed Evelyn to Cairo and appears at her door her last night there?

2. Where do Amelia and Evelyn go to secure their transportation through Egypt?

3. What does Amelia realize about Lucas' arrival in Cairo?

4. How many children are in Amelia's family?

5. What do body cavities of mummies often contain?

(see the answer keys)

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