Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crocodile on the Sandbank Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first symptom Amelia identifies when she tends to Radcliffe?
(a) He is thin and screaming for help.
(b) He is delusional and asking Amelia to leave.
(c) He is feverish and his eyes are sunken.
(d) He is motionless and screaming for help.

2. Why does Michael come in search of Amelia when she is shopping for medical supplies?
(a) His daughter is having a baby.
(b) His daughter is sick and needs medical attention.
(c) His daughter has run away.
(d) His daughter has left with M.Maspero.

3. How many men are working at the site with Walter and Abdullah?
(a) One hundred men.
(b) More than fifty men.
(c) Ten men.
(d) Twenty-five men.

4. What does Alberto offer when he speaks to Evelyn in her sitting room?
(a) He offers to take her back to Rome.
(b) He proposes to run away with her.
(c) He proposes to marry her.
(d) He offers a divorce.

5. How does Walter describe his brother's condition to Amelia?
(a) "Feverish and delirious."
(b) "Desperately, dangerously ill."
(c) "Desperately overworked."
(d) "Surprisingly weak and undernurished."

6. Who is outside of the sitting room ready to assist Amelia with Alberto?
(a) Walter.
(b) Hassan.
(c) Radcliffe.
(d) Michael.

7. What does Amelia add to the tapioca and water to wash the pavement at the dig site?
(a) Tea and bismuth.
(b) Salt and tea.
(c) Starch and salt.
(d) Starch and bismuth.

8. What hills surround the pyramids near Cairo?
(a) The Dashoor hills.
(b) The Mokkattam hills.
(c) The Abusir hills.
(d) The Hussin hills.

9. Who has followed Evelyn to Cairo and appears at her door her last night there?
(a) M. Maspero.
(b) Alberto.
(c) Walter.
(d) Radcliffe.

10. Who does Mohammed believe to be the mummy found in the tomb?
(a) A servant of Pharaoh Khuenaten.
(b) A king murdered by his wife.
(c) A member of a royal family.
(d) A princely priest-magician servant of Amon.

11. How many children are in Amelia's family?
(a) She has six younger brothers.
(b) She has three siblings.
(c) She has seven brothers and sisters.
(d) She has five older brothers.

12. Who does Emerson scream at first thing in the morning?
(a) Mohammed.
(b) Michael.
(c) Walter.
(d) Amelia.

13. What is Evelyn doing while Amelia works on the pavement?
(a) She is flirting with Walter.
(b) She is helping to clean the pavement.
(c) She is taking lunch.
(d) She is copying the painting on the pavement.

14. What does Amelia propose that she and Evelyn do immediately?
(a) Leave Egypt.
(b) Leave Cairo.
(c) Leave the room.
(d) Leave the hotel.

15. What is the name of the boat that Amelia and Evelyn finally decide on?
(a) The Phillo.
(b) The Phasic.
(c) The Pharaoh.
(d) The Philae.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Amelia when her father dies?

2. What well-known Frenchman does Amelia want to meet while at the museum?

3. Who first teaches Evelyn how to draw?

4. How do Walter and Radcliffe travel in Egypt?

5. What does Amelia realize about Lucas' arrival in Cairo?

(see the answer keys)

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