Crispin: The Cross of Lead Test | Final Test - Medium

Avi (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crispin: The Cross of Lead Test | Final Test - Medium

Avi (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is likely to happen to Bear?
(a) He will be fined and exiled from the city.
(b) He will be sent to the stocks for a day.
(c) He will be turned loose after being questioned.
(d) Torture and then death.

2. Why does Crispin decide he must rescue Bear?
(a) Crispin decides he cannot rescue Bear.
(b) Bear might get Crispin in more trouble.
(c) Bear has information Crispin needs about Crispin's father.
(d) Bear is like a father to Crispin.

3. When does Bear think will be a better time for rebellion?
(a) When the French Revolution is successful.
(b) When Lord Furnival dies.
(c) When the Americans are free.
(d) When King Edward dies.

4. Upon whom does Crispin eavesdrop?
(a) John Ball and John Aycliffe.
(b) Bear and Widow Daventry.
(c) John Ball and Widow Daventry.
(d) Bear and John Ball.

5. What does it mean when there is black cloth with blue and gold ribbons.
(a) Bear must bow and pray.
(b) Someone important is in the city.
(c) Bear must make a tithe.
(d) Someone important has died.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Crispin go after following the soldiers?

2. Where does Crispin want to go?

3. Who is weeping when Crispin goes into the downstairs part of the tavern?

4. What does Crispin miss hearing as he eavesdrops?

5. What does Aycliffe decide to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where do Crispin and Bear stay, what does Bear tell Crispin to do when he leaves and what does Crispin do?

2. Who does Crispin find at the White Stag, what does he tell them and what is their response?

3. What does Crispin do after he runs from the meeting place, and what happens to him at the tavern?

4. What does Crispin think about when he thinks of Bear, and what does he decide to do?

5. What is Bear's opinion on rebellion and what is John Ball's opinion on it?

6. What do Crispin and Bear do as they travel towards Great Wexly, what does Bear offer and what is Crispin's feelings about the offer?

7. What does the Widow Daventry tell Crispin about who he is and why Aycliffe is after him?

8. What do Aycliffe and Crispin swear to each other?

9. Why does Crispin spy on Bear and what does he hear?

10. How does Crispin get away from Aycliffe?

(see the answer keys)

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