The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who keeps calling Lacey's house and getting him upset?
(a) A mafia boss.
(b) His accountant.
(c) The police.
(d) His ex-wife.

2. For what does Lisa use the one hundred and forty dollars that Willie gets from Lacey?
(a) To buy an exercise machine for Willie's legs.
(b) To pay for swim classes at the YMCA.
(c) To pay for a membership at Nautilus of Alameda.
(d) To pay for professional physical therapy.

3. Why does Andre refuse to let Willie leave the basketball court?
(a) He is afraid that Willie is frustrated and wants him to talk about it.
(b) He wants him to finish the game that they are playing.
(c) He sees some other kids and wants Willie to introduce himself.
(d) He says that he should never leave the court on a miss.

4. What is Jack's best memory of attending OMLC High School?
(a) When he beat Willie in a one-on-one game of basketball.
(b) When Hawk jumped to his rescue and beat up Kam.
(c) Helping to paint the school.
(d) When Willie helped with an embarrassing problem in the bathroom.

5. What phrase does Willie say is written across the faces of the homeless people in the bus terminal?
(a) "Abandon Hope."
(b) "Lost Cause."
(c) "Go Away."
(d) "Hopeless."

6. Who helps Willie after he is attacked?
(a) A homeless man.
(b) A boy who had been watching from the alley.
(c) A police officer.
(d) The bus driver.

7. Why does Willie not question Lisa when she tells him to ask Lacey for a hundred and forty dollars?
(a) He knows that he will never actually ask for that much money.
(b) He has come to trust her and knows that she has a reason for not telling him everything.
(c) He is afraid of Lisa's temper, so he just does whatever she asks.
(d) He knows that a hundred and forty dollars is nothing to Lacey.

8. How does Willie pay for his room and board?
(a) He cleans the floors at the bus terminal.
(b) He details Lacey's car and cleans and repairs the house.
(c) He collects money that Lacey's clients bring to the house.
(d) He takes on a job at a fast food restaurant.

9. What had prevented Hawk from meeting Willie at school as they had planned on the night of the fire?
(a) His mother would not let him leave until she got home from work.
(b) He was trying to defend his family against his brother, but came as soon as he could.
(c) His watch was broken and he had the time confused.
(d) He was picked up by the police for possession of marijuana.

10. What is Willie's first impression of Andre Porter?
(a) He thinks that he is a disorganized slob.
(b) He thinks that he is educated and athletic looking.
(c) He thinks that he seems weak and insecure.
(d) He thinks that he is self-centered and cocky.

11. What do Willie and the others at OMLC do on weekends during the first two months of school?
(a) They repair the windows in the school.
(b) They play basketball in the park.
(c) They rebuild the neighborhood playground.
(d) They paint the school building.

12. Why does Willie agree to play basketball with Jack?
(a) He likes Jack and does not want to disappoint him.
(b) Lisa offers to give him extra credit for playing.
(c) Jack will not take no for an answer, and the hoop is far enough away that no one will notice.
(d) He has been quietly wishing to get back on the court.

13. In which city is Willie's bus delayed?
(a) Seattle.
(b) Oakland.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) Portland.

14. Why does Kam say that the Jo Boys should leave Willie's cane behind after they beat him up?
(a) Willie will probably need to walk.
(b) He does not want to have any evidence to link them to this crime.
(c) It is too big and bulky to carry around.
(d) Baseball is a sissy game.

15. What is Willie's agreement with Andre regarding P.E. class?
(a) Willie will be excused from P.E. class for the rest of the school year.
(b) Willie must attend P.E. class, but he does not have to participate.
(c) Willie will take P.E. class as an independent study.
(d) Willie can stay out of P.E. for three weeks or until he is ready, whichever comes first.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Angel not grateful when Willie comes to her rescue?

2. How does Hawk respond to the news that the gang is beating up on Jack?

3. What is Lacey's primary occupation?

4. Who knocks on the door to the downstairs room when Willie is waiting for Hawk and Kato?

5. Why does Willie finally come out of the downstairs room after he has been waiting for Hawk and Kato to arrive?

(see the answer keys)

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