The Crazy Horse Electric Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crazy Horse Electric Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 17.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Willie wish he had known how to perform CPR when he was twelve?
(a) He could have been a lifeguard at the pool.
(b) He could have saved his sister.
(c) He would be much more confident about performing the procedure if he had those years of practice.
(d) Maybe he would not be afraid of the water.

2. Why does Big Will want Willie to stop wearing his LURCH and QUASIMODO shirts?
(a) Big Will says that Willie is on his way back.
(b) Big Will is embarrassed by the shirts.
(c) Big Will resents the influence that Cyril has on Willie.
(d) Big Will does not understand the humor in the shirts.

3. Why does Mr. Weaver want Willie to pay attention to every detail leading up to the game?
(a) He wants Willie to have a strong memory to rely on, like his own memory of the Rose Bowl game.
(b) He is worried that Willie is not really focused on the game.
(c) He is worried that the Crazy Horse Electric team will be difficult to beat.
(d) He has a feeling that something is going to go wrong.

4. Why does Willie have trouble on the racquetball court?
(a) His father keeps hitting the ball too far away from him.
(b) He cannot control his body or his reaction time.
(c) He feels like too many people are watching him.
(d) He cannot see the ball as it comes toward him.

5. Why is Willie so devastated by his parents' fight?
(a) He has never heard his parents fight, especially this fiercely.
(b) His parents often fight, but never about him.
(c) He realizes now that his mother was responsible for his sister's death.
(d) He is hurt by the things that they have said about him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Cyril tell Willie that he doesn't "do dreams"?

2. What is the cause of Lacey's son's brain damage?

3. How does Big Will react when he regains control of himself and realizes that he has pushed Willie too far?

4. What observation does Jenny make about Willie's parents?

5. When Cyril asks Willie to share, at what part of the story does he want him to begin?

(see the answer key)

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