Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What complaint does Lisbeth have when the Baron goes to her flat looking for Valerie?

2. Who gives money to Adeline's cook so that she may provide a meal for the family?

3. What piece of evidence does Crevel provide the Baron with to prove his clandestine meetings with Valerie in his little house on the Rue du Dauphin?

4. What circumstances led to Stidman's introduction to Valerie in the Rue Vaneau?

5. What does Hortense decide to do after she receives proof of Wenceslas' infidelity?

Short Essay Questions

1. What post does Valerie ask Hector to obtain for Marneffe? What complications does Hector face in carrying out this wish for his mistress?

2. What problem with her husband does Valerie alert Hector to in a letter? What solution does she suggest to this predicament? How does Hector respond to this suggestion?

3. What does Adeline advise Hortense to do after her first quarrel with Wenceslas over Valerie Marneffe? What does Adeline reveal to her daughter about her own marriage?

4. Whom does Hector ask to solve his compromising situation with the Marneffes? What does this character do to help the Baron?

5. In his letter to the Baron, what does Johann Fischer ask for? What is his plan if Hector cannot help him?

6. Besides the news of the embezzlement scheme in the newspaper, what other news item is featured in the Revue des Beaux-Arts? What is Hortense's reaction to this item?

7. What solution does Bette give for Hortense and Wenceslas' money troubles? Why does Hortense object to this solution?

8. What has happened to Wenceslas professionally in the three years since he has married Hortense? To what is this change attributed?

9. What publication makes Lisbeth so happy? What event begins a chain of events that will end this happiness?

10. What plan does Adeline conceive to save her uncle? What is the outcome?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What is the relationship between Lisbeth and Valerie Marneffe? Using three examples from the novel, explain how Valerie and Lisbeth's relationship developed over time. Do the two women really care for one another or are they united by malice and spite only? Give details from the text to support your answer.

Essay Topic 2

How is literary allusion used in Cousin Bette? Choose two examples from the text. What is the significance of these allusions? What messages do they communicate and to what themes do they relate?

Essay Topic 3

Foreshadowing is an important device employed in Cousin Bette. How does the author employ this device? What purpose does it serve? Use three specific examples from the text.

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