Corelli's Mandolin Test | Final Test - Easy

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Corelli's Mandolin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Corelli after the dynamite blast?
(a) His legs are badly burned.
(b) He is blind in one eye.
(c) He is temporarily deaf.
(d) He loses a thumb.

2. What does Corelli do when Weber tells him he tried to stop the execution?
(a) He screams.
(b) He shakes his hand.
(c) He slaps him.
(d) He runs.

3. Dr. Iannis tells Corelli that if he marries Pelagia and remains in Greece he will never be successful at _______________.
(a) his music.
(b) being a father.
(c) the language.
(d) a military career.

4. What does Pelagia give to Corelli when he wakes up with a hangover?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Water.
(c) Alka-Seltzer.
(d) Tomato juice.

5. What does Dr. Iannis remind Pelagia of when speaking about her attraction to Corelli?
(a) She is still engaged to Mandras.
(b) His health is very frail.
(c) She is too young to get married.
(d) She wanted to become a doctor.

6. Corelli plays on a _______________ team which won its match yesterday.
(a) tennis.
(b) football.
(c) soccer.
(d) rugby.

7. Who is Alekos?
(a) A bartender.
(b) A carpenter.
(c) A street sweeper.
(d) A goatherd.

8. Where does Corelli instruct the villagers to stand to watch the removal of the item in #101?
(a) On the beach.
(b) Top of a building.
(c) Inside their homes.
(d) Top of a cliff.

9. What surprising event does Alekos witness one day?
(a) Corelli and Pelagia kissing at the beach.
(b) A British spy parachute from a plane.
(c) A lunar eclipse.
(d) People escapting from an insane asylum.

10. Which of the following is NOT a topic that Corelli and Gunter Weber discuss before the singing group sessions?
(a) Ethics.
(b) Master race theories.
(c) Love.
(d) Morality.

11. Who moves in with Pelagia after Dr. Iannis is taken away for being a Communist?
(a) Dulcinea.
(b) Drousula.
(c) Dorotea.
(d) Dorie.

12. What type of business does Drousula open?
(a) Bookstore.
(b) Beauty salon.
(c) Gift shop.
(d) Restaurant.

13. Who does Antonia want to marry?
(a) Friedrik.
(b) Alexi.
(c) Willem.
(d) Dodi.

14. Who emerges as the local leader of the village after the earthquake?
(a) Lucente.
(b) Velisarios.
(c) Dr. Iannis.
(d) Pelagia.

15. What washes ashore near the village in Chapter 43?
(a) A message in a bottle.
(b) A dead body.
(c) An unexploded mine from World War I.
(d) An abandoned ship.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has died in the earthquake on Cephallonia?

2. Instead of liberating Greece, the Allies attack ________________.

3. What does a fireman see near Dr. Iannis' house during an earthquake aftershock?

4. What city do the Germans bomb?

5. Who terrorizes the islanders after the Germans depart?

(see the answer keys)

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