Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Medium

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Medium

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Frances start reading in Chapter 19?
(a) The gospels.
(b) Early American Writing.
(c) Emma.
(d) Middlemarch.

2. What does Frances tell Nick about their affair in Chapter 14 that seems to surprise him?
(a) What they are doing seems insanely risky.
(b) She expects that Nick will marry her one day.
(c) She will tell Melissa about their affair if he does not do it soon himself.
(d) She is not happy about their affair and wants to end it.

3. What does Bobbi do when she comes outside to calm Frances down in Chapter 17?
(a) Gives Frances her own ring to keep.
(b) Gives Frances a joint.
(c) Kisses Frances.
(d) Gives Frances a strong drink.

4. Why does Frances get so upset at Valerie in Chapter 17?
(a) She is rude to Melissa.
(b) She speaks derisively about Nick when he is not in the room.
(c) She insults Frances's parents.
(d) She insults Bobbi's sister.

5. In Chapter 14, Frances is reading a book by which author?
(a) James Joyce.
(b) George Eliot.
(c) Charles Dickens.
(d) Robert Fisk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Melissa ask Frances in Chapter 17 that shocks and shames her?

2. Who comes to visit Etables the day before Frances and Bobbi fly home?

3. What is the name of the man Frances matches with on Tinder and goes on a date with in Chapter 21?

4. Why does Bobbi come to Nick's bedroom late at night at the end of Chapter 17?

5. What does one of the doctors tell Frances could be the cause of her pain?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Frances tell Nick about her father in Chapter 14?

2. In Chapter 21, what does Frances do at Melissa's book launch that makes Bobbi so angry?

3. How does Bobbi seem to feel that Frances's relationship with Nick is affecting her own relationship with Frances?

4. In Chapter 15, what does Melissa ask Frances as they are both waiting to use the bathroom?

5. What does Frances find herself reading instead of her academic assignments in the beginning of Chapter 19?

6. In Chapter 14, why is Frances so grateful that Bobbi buys her an ice cream?

7. What does Frances tell Nick she is upset about in their relationship in Chapter 14, and how does he respond?

8. At the end of Chapter 15, what is Frances so upset about regarding her relationship with Nick?

9. In Chapter 13, what does Bobbi ask Melissa not to call her and Frances?

10. What does Frances do in Chapter 20 several times to try to make sense of her past communications with Bobbi?

(see the answer keys)

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