Confessions of a Mask Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of a Mask Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When is the narrator's birthday?
(a) April 7, 1945.
(b) June 18, 1950.
(c) January 4, 1925.
(d) February 10, 1931.

2. On what day do the boys at school have to dress in naval attire?
(a) Veterans Day.
(b) May Day.
(c) The fourth of July.
(d) Ceremonial Day.

3. What does Reni's "Saint Sebastian" cause the narrator to do for the first time?
(a) Pleasure himself.
(b) Run away from home.
(c) Read the Bible.
(d) Pick up a paint brush.

4. From what illness does the narrator suffer?
(a) Epilepsy.
(b) Yellow fever.
(c) Small pox.
(d) Autointoxication.

5. How does the school announce Omi's expulsion?
(a) A PA announcement.
(b) At an assembly.
(c) They do not reveal his expulsion.
(d) A posted notice.

6. A friend suggests the narrator should target whom for the graphic game?
(a) The colonel.
(b) Omi.
(c) His brother.
(d) The school master.

7. What photograph is the narrator obsessed with as a child?
(a) Goliath.
(b) Joan of Arc.
(c) The statue David.
(d) Jesus.

8. In order to appear masculine, what does the narrator convince his female cousins to do?
(a) Shoot at a soldier.
(b) Kill a bird.
(c) Play war.
(d) Cliff dive.

9. What does the narrator plan to do once he leaves school?
(a) Go live with his father.
(b) Get married.
(c) Join the general military.
(d) Fight for the other side.

10. After the battle, what does Omi do to the narrator?
(a) Puts an arm around him.
(b) Kisses him.
(c) Punches him.
(d) Threatens him.

11. On what popular playground toy do Omi and the narrator battle?
(a) The swinging log.
(b) The slide.
(c) The jungle gym.
(d) The balance beam.

12. What does the narrator fantasize about after his meeting with Omi in the school yard?
(a) Killing Omi.
(b) Seeing him naked.
(c) For Omi to punch him.
(d) To get good grades.

13. What occupation was once held by the narrator's grandfather?
(a) President of a corporation.
(b) Naval captain.
(c) Lieutenant governor.
(d) Colonel governor.

14. The narrator thinks his involvement in the war will make him what?
(a) Famous.
(b) Happier.
(c) More interesting.
(d) Stronger.

15. Over the summer, why does the narrator suddenly feel close to Omi?
(a) There is an article in the paper about Omi.
(b) He sees a boy who looks like Omi.
(c) He grows underarm hair.
(d) His mother mentions Omi.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the female magician who inspires the narrator?

2. What impression does the narrator have of Omi after meeting him alone in the schoolyard?

3. For what does the narrator look when seeking men to be attracted to?

4. During what game do Omi and the narrator do battle?

5. To where is the narrator's father transferred right after the narrator moves in with him?

(see the answer keys)

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