Confessions of a Mask Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of a Mask Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, pages 126-153.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator chooses not to speak to Yakumo because he is ashamed of what?
(a) His father.
(b) His hair.
(c) His body.
(d) His clothes.

2. What impression does the narrator have of Omi after meeting him alone in the schoolyard?
(a) He is tough.
(b) He is mean.
(c) He is brave.
(d) He is lonely.

3. What does the narrator lie about during his meeting for the draft?
(a) His health.
(b) His parentage.
(c) His fascination with war.
(d) His ambitions.

4. After witnessing Omi on the gym bars, what does the narrator feel for him?
(a) Jealousy.
(b) Disgust.
(c) Hate.
(d) Admiration.

5. What confusing emotion does the narrator feel around Sonoko?
(a) Anger.
(b) Grief.
(c) Desire.
(d) Disinterest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What becomes popular with the boys when the country goes to war?

2. Why was the narrator once attracted to a girl on his bus?

3. What do the boys at the school notice about Omi's body?

4. Where does the narrator spend his summer, prior to Omi's expulsion?

5. The narrator describes Mr. Ohba as being what?

(see the answer key)

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