Waiting for Snow in Havana - Confessions of a Cuban Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Carlos Eire
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Snow in Havana - Confessions of a Cuban Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Carlos Eire
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Waiting for Snow in Havana - Confessions of a Cuban Boy Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which person would never have noticed Carlos's teacher at the co-ed school?
(a) Fidel Castro.
(b) Plato.
(c) John F. Kennedy.
(d) Kant.

2. What do Carlos and his friends rescue in Chapter 31?
(a) A blowfish.
(b) A flounder.
(c) A shark.
(d) A parrot fish.

3. Who says that "evil [...] is the absence of good"?
(a) The Platonists.
(b) Kant.
(c) Thomas Aquinas.
(d) Meister Eckhart.

4. What aspect of the breadfruit "[speaks] of swamps, ooze, eggs and sperm, and infinite reproduction"?
(a) Its appearance.
(b) Its smell.
(c) Its taste.
(d) The sound of its explosion.

5. According to Chapter 35, what is the name of the boy who becomes friends with a crucifix in a movie that Carlos has seen?
(a) Jorge.
(b) Manuel.
(c) Miguel.
(d) Marcelino.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 40, what does Carlos describe as his first death?

2. What is in the pool that Carlos is observing in the beginning of Chapter 31?

3. How high is the cliff over which the boys and Louis XVI frequently go?

4. Which of the children's acquaintances eats breadfruit voluntarily?

5. Who is "capable of poisoning [Carlos's] relationship with [his] father"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the event that Carlos dreams of as thunder in Chapter 29.

2. Why does Carlos want to request a Coke as his first act in the United States?

3. According to Chapter 28, for what is Carlos's uncle Mario almost imprisoned?

4. As discussed in Chapter 37, why does Carlos feel shame about his upbringing?

5. According to Chapter 27, how would Plato have reacted to Carlos's female teacher? How would Kant have reacted?

6. How do Carlos and his grandfather react to the Communist propaganda in Chapter 38?

7. What difficulties does Marie Antoinette face before she can find the boys in the United States?

8. What does Carlos report that Ernest did to him?

9. What does Carlos imagine the diving board telling him to do, and why?

10. Describe Addison's backyard.

(see the answer keys)

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