Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tony Horwitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tony Horwitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Fort Sumter located?
(a) 3 miles off the shore of Charleston.
(b) 2 miles off the shore of Charleston.
(c) 5 miles off the shore of Charleston.
(d) 15 miles off the shore of Charleston.

2. Who told Horwitz of Sue Curtis?
(a) The bookkeeper.
(b) The mayor.
(c) The sheriff.
(d) The cemetery caretaker.

3. Where was the "Start Spangled Banner" composed?
(a) Fort Summers.
(b) Fort Sumter.
(c) Fort Brag.
(d) Fort McHenry.

4. Why did Horwitz not have much to do?
(a) He had no musket.
(b) He had no horse.
(c) He had no glasses.
(d) He was drown as a victim in a ballot.

5. Where did Horwitz go at the start of Chapter 4?
(a) Stanville.
(b) Columbia.
(c) Charleston.
(d) New Orleans.

6. What did the Children of the Confederacy teach children about?
(a) The virtue of slavery.
(b) Perceived treachery of the North.
(c) The major battle won by the Confederacy.
(d) Racism.

7. What did the CCC fight against?
(a) Plans to teach about the Civil War in school.
(b) Plans to allow African American to vote.
(c) Plans to remove the Confederate flag from the capitol building.
(d) Plans to allow desegregated bathrooms.

8. What did Horwitz do after talking with the actors?
(a) Went to his father's.
(b) Went back to sleep.
(c) Found his grandfather's book.
(d) Went to his publisher.

9. What did the meeting with Sue Curtis open with?
(a) The pledge.
(b) Honoring the Confederate flag.
(c) A Ku Klux Klan pledge.
(d) With drinks.

10. Where did Foote live?
(a) New Orleans.
(b) Nashville
(c) Dallas.
(d) Memphis.

11. What did the black harbor pilot who hijacked a Confederate ship become?
(a) A senator.
(b) A mayor.
(c) A millionaire.
(d) A congressman.

12. What was Shelby Foote well known for appearing in?
(a) Home Schooling videos.
(b) Civil War documentaries.
(c) Movies about the war.
(d) Reenactment.

13. Where was Horwitz's wife from?
(a) Austria.
(b) France.
(c) Australia.
(d) Luxembourg.

14. What did Mike Hawkins' great great grandfather lose during the Civil War?
(a) An arm.
(b) A leg.
(c) A foot.
(d) An eye.

15. What group was founded after the Civil War and re-emerged in the early 20th century?
(a) The Sons of the Confederacy.
(b) The Daughters of the Confederacy.
(c) The Ku Klux Klan.
(d) The Cats of the Confederacy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Horwtiz's grandfather come from?

2. What did Horwitz paint on his wall?

3. What did Horwitz plan on doing?

4. Where did Joel Dorfman start his tour?

5. Where did Westerman stop before being shot?

(see the answer keys)

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