Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Test | Final Test - Easy

Rhoda Blumberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Test | Final Test - Easy

Rhoda Blumberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was handed to Commodore Perry?
(a) Three ceremonial calligraphy pens.
(b) A ceremonial sword.
(c) A scroll with a reply to President Fillmore's letter.
(d) A gold statue of the Buddha.

2. Who came to say goodbye Commodore Perry?
(a) The Shogun.
(b) The Japanese interpreters.
(c) The Emperor.
(d) The head of the Buddhist church.

3. What was one thing the Americans did that amazed the Japanese?
(a) Took pictures.
(b) Talked to the Japanese women.
(c) Refused the offer of the public baths.
(d) Practiced rifle shooting.

4. What happened on April 10, 1854?
(a) Commodore Perry turned 60.
(b) Commodore Perry turned 70.
(c) Commodore Perry was presented with a solid gold etching.
(d) Commodore Perry turned 40.

5. Where was the Commodore and some staff invited to tour?
(a) The main temple at Edo.
(b) A Japanese war ship.
(c) The silk factories.
(d) Some nearby villages.

6. What did the Japanese first say to Commodore Perry's request for a treaty?
(a) Some time stipulations would have to be put into place.
(b) They burned the treaty request in front of the Americans.
(c) The request looked agreeable.
(d) American requests were forbidden by the laws of their ancestors.

7. What did the Americans undervalue of the Japanese gifts?
(a) Silks and porcelein.
(b) Poems from famous Japanese poets.
(c) Swords.
(d) Canaries.

8. What did Commodore Perry want of the Japanese?
(a) Exclusive rights to fish in Japenese waters.
(b) Them to make the Dutch leave if the Japanese would not treat with any other country.
(c) An actual, written treaty.
(d) A written guarnatee that the Americans could land on any Japanese island.

9. What would the Japanese officers give American ships?
(a) Aid in obtaining trade agreements.
(b) Navigation advice.
(c) Help in rebuilding wrecked ships.
(d) Coal, water and general necessities.

10. Of what was Sam Patch afraid?
(a) He would cook something displeasing to the Japanese guests.
(b) He would be asked to row to the mainland and be attacked.
(c) Banishment.
(d) He would make an error in protocol.

11. With what were the Americans who accepted the invitation impressed about the Japanese?
(a) The courtesy and politeness of their hosts.
(b) The incredible pagoda style buildings in Edo.
(c) The lack of fear the men who commited suicide showed.
(d) The gentleness the Emperor showed.

12. When was the latest ratification that take place of the treaty?
(a) 1 year.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 18 months.
(d) 1 month.

13. What is one port that was mentioned as being where the Americans could trade?
(a) Shimoda.
(b) Nakasaki.
(c) Fikuri.
(d) Edo.

14. What did Commodore Perry do for the Japanese on his ship?
(a) Gave them first rights in trade contracts.
(b) Taught them English.
(c) Threw a party.
(d) Gave them many gifts.

15. Who was Abigail Jernegan?
(a) A female nurse aboard Commodore Perry's ship.
(b) A British missionary who had been in Hakodate for years.
(c) The first foreign woman to land in Japan.
(d) An American journalist.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was one reason Perry was happy with the treaty?

2. What did the Japanese say they would give to the American ships?

3. What is one thing the treaty called for?

4. What might the people resist upon Perry's next return?

5. What did Commodore Perry say could start a war?

(see the answer keys)

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