Coming Out Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Coming Out Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Harry going the morning of the ball?
(a) To New Jersey for business.
(b) To work.
(c) To a museum with Frieda.
(d) To play squash.

2. What does Harry agree to do for Olympia the day of the ball?
(a) Make dinner for Max.
(b) Take the girls to the spa.
(c) Buy the girls new dresses.
(d) Bring his mother to the lobby of the hotel where the ball is.

3. What does Chauncey threaten Veronica with after seeing Veronica's tattoo?
(a) To leave the ball.
(b) To take her car away.
(c) To stop paying tuition.
(d) To get a matching tattoo.

4. Why can't Olympia bring Frieda to the ball?
(a) She has to help the girls get ready.
(b) Frieda does not like how Olympia drives.
(c) Olympia is not going to the ball until later in the evening.
(d) She does not like Frieda.

5. Which child does Harry find most unhelpful around the house?
(a) Veronica.
(b) Max.
(c) Charlie.
(d) Virginia.

6. What is Max's temperature on Sunday?
(a) 102.
(b) 103.
(c) 99.
(d) 101.

7. Why is Margaret going to be late to the ball?
(a) She has to work late.
(b) She still needs to shop for a dress.
(c) Her mother has a fever.
(d) She gets lost on the way downtown.

8. Who tells Chauncey to "grow up" at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) Olympia.
(b) Virginia.
(c) Veronica.
(d) Charlie.

9. Which member of the family manages to not get sick?
(a) Virginia.
(b) Olympia.
(c) Veronica.
(d) Max.

10. Why does Harry have to go to work early in the morning the day after Frieda's mishap?
(a) He has a press conference.
(b) He does not want to be at home.
(c) He wants to take the afternoon off.
(d) His hours have changed.

11. Who has bronchitis?
(a) Virginia.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Max.
(d) Harry.

12. Why is Olympia surprised that Steve is coming to the ball?
(a) He got in a fight with Charlie the night before.
(b) He missed his flight from Providence.
(c) He broke up with Virginia the night before.
(d) He does not like balls.

13. What does Harry say on his voicemail?
(a) His mother is sick.
(b) He is going on a trip.
(c) He is not feeling well.
(d) He has a work emergency.

14. Harry relates himself going to The Arches like Martin Luther King going to an event hosted by whom?
(a) Political leaders.
(b) The Ku Klux Klan.
(c) Jewish women.
(d) Hispanic immigrants.

15. What does Olympia notice on Frieda's wrist in the morning while Frieda is still asleep?
(a) A hospital ID tag.
(b) A scar.
(c) A bracelet.
(d) Her tattoo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do the girls meet with at 7:00 the day of the ball?

2. What is happening to Margaret's mother?

3. Who has the week off work?

4. What sickness does Harry have?

5. What kind of flower is on Olympias' corsage?

(see the answer keys)

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