Cold Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

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Cold Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the chapter, Naught and Grief, who has joined Stobrod and Pangle?
(a) A young man from Tennessee.
(b) Pangle's cousin.
(c) A young Indian woman.
(d) A young man from Georgia.

2. What wish does Inman make when he lies down to sleep in the chapter, A Vow to Bear?
(a) For a larger moon.
(b) To be alive when the sun rises.
(c) To see Ada before he dies.
(d) A quick end to his journey.

3. What is the first thing Inman does when he finally finds Ada?
(a) Sleeps.
(b) Eats.
(c) Drinks.
(d) Talks.

4. What happens to the men who steal from Sara's home?
(a) They run into a band of Indians who scalp them.
(b) Inman kills them and retrieves Sara's belongings.
(c) Sara shoots them with her husband's riffle.
(d) They have an accident on their starved horses.

5. Who joins Ada and Ruby for supper as they enjoy what will most likely be their final dinner outside that fall?
(a) Inman.
(b) Brice.
(c) Stobrod.
(d) Veasey.

6. Why does Sara ask Inman to share her bed?
(a) Sara has no other place for Inman to sleep.
(b) Sara is a prostitute in need of money.
(c) Sara finds Inman attractive.
(d) Sara misses her husband and needs to feel some human connection.

7. What do Ada and Inman discuss after sharing their feelings for one another?
(a) The death of Monroe.
(b) The dangers of the war.
(c) Inman's status as a fugitive.
(d) The future, specifically marriage and life at Black Cove.

8. Who comes to Sara's house the next morning after she and Inman share a bed?
(a) The local law.
(b) Several injured Confederates.
(c) Three Federals.
(d) The local Home Guard.

9. What does the leader of these men order be done with Stobrod and Pangle after they get the answers they needed?
(a) He orders them arrested.
(b) He orders them shot.
(c) He orders that they be allowed to go free.
(d) He orders them hung.

10. What do Ruby and Ada find when they arrive at Stobrod's camp?
(a) Stobrod dead, but Pangle still alive.
(b) Pangle dead, but Stobrod still alive.
(c) Neither Stobrod or Pangle.
(d) Both Stobrod and Pangle dead where they were shot.

11. With whom does Inman leave the camp?
(a) Ada and Ruby.
(b) Ruby and Stobrod.
(c) Stobrod.
(d) Ada.

12. What does Inman dream about in the chapter, A Vow to Bear?
(a) That he returns to Sara and becomes her husband.
(b) That he has returned to Cold Mountain to find Ada married to another man.
(c) That he has become a bear and is shot and skinned by hunters.
(d) That he has been killed in battle.

13. Why has Inman begun to fast as he reaches Cold Mountain?
(a) So he will die quickly if Ada refuses him.
(b) So he can cross the portal at Shining Rock if Ada refuses him.
(c) So he will be skinny and handsome for Ada.
(d) So he can enjoy a huge feast when he finds Ada.

14. Why does Inman's progress begin to slow in the chapter, The Doing of It?
(a) Inman is injured, both from a wound to the head and the wound in his neck from the war battle.
(b) Inman has begun to starve to death and the malnutrition is making him so sick he cannot walk very well.
(c) Inman has contracted an illness in his chest, is running a fever, and is delirious.
(d) Inman is beginning to doubt his decision to walk away from his committment to the army and is considering returning.

15. What type of animal does the new person Inman meets in the chapter, The Doing of It, raise?
(a) Bulls.
(b) Dogs.
(c) Goats.
(d) Cats.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Inman hope Ada's reaction will be when she sees him?

2. What causes Stobrod and his companions to become ill in the chapter Naught and Grief?

3. What causes one of these men to believe Stobrod and Pangle are holy men?

4. How did this person come to compose his own music?

5. Who comes to visit while Ada is at Black Cove alone in the chapter, A Satisfied Mind?

(see the answer keys)

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