Clarissa Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clarissa Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Clarissa's hearse arrives at Harlowe Place, who is following it?
(a) A bunch of peasants from the village.
(b) Paid mourners.
(c) Lovelace's varlets.
(d) Miss Howe and Mr. Hickman.

2. When Lovelace talks to Hickman, he says Clarissa lets someone else court her. Who?
(a) Belford.
(b) Solmes.
(c) The God of Love.
(d) Death.

3. How does M'Donald feel while dying?
(a) Sure of going to heaven.
(b) Calm and rational.
(c) Penitent.
(d) Happy to be getting out of jail.

4. Why does Belford beg Lovelace not to visit Clarissa?
(a) Because Belford is afraid Lovelace will commit suicide if he sees Clarissa.
(b) Because Belford has decided to marry Clarissa himself.
(c) Because the police are planning to arrest Lovelace if he shows up at Clarissa's lodgings.
(d) Because a visit from Lovelace will make Clarissa die sooner.

5. What reason does Clarissa give Charlotte for continuing to refuse to marry Lovelace?
(a) Clarissa does not believe she is strong enough to stand up for a wedding ceremony.
(b) If Clarissa married Lovelace, she would appear to be approving of his actions, and that would make her unworthy to be associated with the Lovelace family.
(c) Clarissa is in love with Mr. Solmes.
(d) The Lovelace family is not worthy of Clarissa.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Belton knows he is dying, how does he feel?

2. When most of Clarissa's family agrees to let Mrs. Norton go to visit Clarissa while she is dying, which member of the family holds out?

3. Who refuses to go to Belton's funeral?

4. In Clarissa's posthumous letter to Lovelace, what does she say about her feelings for him?

5. What does Clarissa do after the charges against her are dropped?

(see the answer keys)

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