Clarissa Test | Final Test - Easy

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Clarissa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Miss Howe say Clarissa's death makes it hard for her to marry Hickman?
(a) Because Hickman is busy being Clarissa's executor.
(b) Because Mrs. Howe doesn't trust men any more, after what happened to Clarissa.
(c) Because she wants Clarissa's advice to help her get used to being a wife.
(d) Because Hickman doesn't care about Miss Howe as much now that Clarissa is dead.

2. Who are Mr. Mullins and Mr. Wyerley?
(a) Two men who wanted to marry Clarissa.
(b) Two policemen who are investigating Lovelace.
(c) Clarissa's cousins.
(d) Two of the varlets.

3. Who does Clarissa ask to be the executor of her will?
(a) Miss Howe.
(b) Mr. Hickman.
(c) Belford.
(d) Uncle Antony.

4. What does Arabella say in her letter that arrived after Clarissa's death?
(a) That the family loves Clarissa and will not reproach her.
(b) That Arabella is enjoying Clarissa's room and has taken all her jewelry.
(c) That she never wants to see Clarissa again.
(d) That Arabella is marrying Mr. Wyerley.

5. How does Morden feel after the duel?
(a) He doesn't feel anything, because he faints.
(b) Happy.
(c) The reader can not tell.
(d) Regretful.

6. What do James and Arabella think causes their unhappiness in marriage?
(a) Their bad treatment of Clarissa.
(b) Solmes is out to get them.
(c) All marriages are unhappy.
(d) The fact that they did not inherit Morden's money.

7. Who does Lovelace hope to see at Colonel Ambrose's ball?
(a) Polly and Sally.
(b) Colonel Ambrose and Lord M.
(c) Uncle Antony and Uncle Harlowe.
(d) Miss Howe and Mr. Hickman.

8. Who has Clarissa arrested?
(a) The Widow Sinclair.
(b) Her brother James.
(c) Lovelace.
(d) Solmes.

9. What part of Clarissa's body does Lovelace say he wants to keep with him?
(a) Her brain.
(b) Her fingernails.
(c) Her hand, since he wanted her hand in marriage.
(d) Her heart.

10. When Belton knows he is dying, how does he feel?
(a) Happy, because he knows he is going to heaven.
(b) Remorseful for his immoral life.
(c) He does not believe the doctor and insists on acting like he's fine.
(d) Angry with Belford, because he blames the problems in his life on Belford.

11. Which member of Lovelace's family agrees that Clarissa ought to let Lovelace visit her one last time?
(a) Lord D.
(b) Lovelace's younger brother Robert.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Lord M.

12. Who does Clarissa specifically forbid to wear mourning clothes?
(a) Lovelace.
(b) Miss Howe.
(c) Widow Sinclair.
(d) Arabella.

13. Who does Clarissa tell Miss Howe to be nicer to?
(a) Lovelace.
(b) Mr. Hickman.
(c) Polly and Sally.
(d) Widow Sinclair.

14. What does Lovelace think about Clarissa's broken heart?
(a) Lovelace believes the doctors are saying Clarissa has a broken heart because they're bad doctors and can not figure out what is really wrong with her.
(b) Lovelace does not believe Clarissa has a broken heart.
(c) Lovelace believes it was Solmes who broke Clarissa's heart.
(d) Lovelace is glad Clarissa has a broken heart.

15. Which family member recommends to Clarissa to stop seeing Belford, in hopes that she might be able to reconcile with the rest of the family if she does?
(a) Uncle Antony.
(b) James.
(c) Clarissa's father.
(d) Clarissa's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Clarissa's family say that they don't believe that she is very sick, what does she say will prove it?

2. Why does learning what Mr. Brand said in his letter to her family change the way Clarissa thinks about her family's treatment of her?

3. To whom does Clarissa leave her miniature portrait of Miss Howe?

4. Where does Clarissa want to be buried?

5. Which adjective best describes Clarissa's behavior when discussing her death with the doctor?

(see the answer keys)

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