Clarissa Test | Final Test - Easy

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Clarissa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who refuses to go to Belton's funeral?
(a) Belton's son.
(b) Lovelace.
(c) Lord M.
(d) Belford.

2. Which members of Clarissa's family complain about her bequests to Dolly and Mrs. Norton?
(a) Mr. and Mrs. Howe.
(b) James and Arabella.
(c) Sally and Polly.
(d) Dolly and Mrs. Norton.

3. How does Widow Sinclair act when Belford tells her she's dying?
(a) Hysterical.
(b) Calm and practical.
(c) She does not believe him.
(d) She laughs and tells him everyone's dying and she doesn't care.

4. What does Morden bring Clarissa?
(a) A picture of her mother.
(b) A picture of Miss Howe.
(c) A rose diamond ring.
(d) Money from her estate.

5. What are the Harlowes doing when they get the news of Clarissa's death?
(a) Packing to go on vacation.
(b) Preparing to throw a ball to celebrate Arabella's engagement.
(c) Talking about the fact that they don't think Clarissa is really very sick.
(d) Watching James fight a duel.

6. Which adjective best describes Clarissa's behavior when discussing her death with the doctor?
(a) Calm.
(b) Desperate.
(c) Hysterical.
(d) Angry.

7. Why does learning what Mr. Brand said in his letter to her family change the way Clarissa thinks about her family's treatment of her?
(a) Because Brand was watching the wrong woman, so everything he told them was about someone else.
(b) Because the information that Brand provided made Clarissa look very bad.
(c) Because Brand had been paid off by Mr. Solmes to lie about Clarissa.
(d) Because Brand told them that they should reconcile with her, but they ignored him.

8. Why does Belford beg Lovelace not to visit Clarissa?
(a) Because a visit from Lovelace will make Clarissa die sooner.
(b) Because Belford is afraid Lovelace will commit suicide if he sees Clarissa.
(c) Because Belford has decided to marry Clarissa himself.
(d) Because the police are planning to arrest Lovelace if he shows up at Clarissa's lodgings.

9. What does Hickman tell Belford is causing Miss Howe to delay her marriage to Hickman?
(a) Miss Howe will not marry Hickman while Clarissa is unhappy.
(b) Miss Howe will not marry Hickman until he challenges Lovelace to a duel.
(c) Miss Howe will not marry Hickman until he is as rich as Lovelace.
(d) Miss Howe will not marry Hickman until the weather is nicer.

10. What does Clarissa say about her birthday during her illness?
(a) It is the best birthday she ever had, because she is not in her parents' house.
(b) Clarissa says her birthday would have been happy if only Lovelace had been there to share it with her.
(c) It is her first unhappy birthday and is likely to be her last one.
(d) Clarissa says she is unhappy about her birthday because she is afraid she is getting old and will soon have gray hair.

11. What language was Clarissa learning before her death?
(a) Chinese.
(b) Japanese.
(c) Greek.
(d) Latin.

12. Who takes over the Poor Fund after Mrs. Norton's death?
(a) Widow Lovick.
(b) Widow Sinclair.
(c) Mrs. Hickman (formerly Miss Howe).
(d) Mrs. Harlowe.

13. Besides the Harlowes' servants, what other servants does Clarissa leave money to?
(a) Widow Sinclair's servants.
(b) The Howes' servants.
(c) The servants of the queen.
(d) The servants of the king.

14. What makes Colonel Morden threaten to avenge Clarissa?
(a) Morden learns that Clarissa was raped, not seduced.
(b) Morden realizes that Lovelace stole Clarissa's money.
(c) Morden learns from Brand that everyone is saying Morden's reputation is stained by Clarissa's actions.
(d) Morden finds out that Clarissa was pregnant.

15. What reason does Clarissa give Charlotte for continuing to refuse to marry Lovelace?
(a) The Lovelace family is not worthy of Clarissa.
(b) Clarissa is in love with Mr. Solmes.
(c) Clarissa does not believe she is strong enough to stand up for a wedding ceremony.
(d) If Clarissa married Lovelace, she would appear to be approving of his actions, and that would make her unworthy to be associated with the Lovelace family.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Clarissa want copies of Lovelace's letters to Belford?

2. What reason does Clarissa's doctor give for saying she does not have to pay him?

3. Who does Colonel Morden disinherit?

4. Which adjectives best describe Miss Howe's state of mind while viewing Clarissa's corpse?

5. When Lovelace reads Clarissa's letter about going to her "father's house," why is he happy?

(see the answer keys)

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