Clarissa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Clarissa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Clarissa visits Lovelace's bedroom in her nightgown, what does she ask him?
(a) Why he didn't marry Arabella.
(b) Why he does not get mental help.
(c) What is going to happen to her next.
(d) Whether he likes this nightgown.

2. Why does Arabella say the Harlowes refuse to send Clarissa her money or jewelry?
(a) Because they don't want the money to end up in Lovelace's hands.
(b) Because they want to see her beg in the streets.
(c) Because they don't think it is safe to mail money and jewelry.
(d) Because the family has gone bankrupt.

3. Which of the following best describes the style of this book?
(a) A young woman's diary.
(b) A series of letters exchanged between several people.
(c) One long letter written by one person.
(d) A play.

4. Why does Dr. Lewen refuse to perform the wedding ceremony?
(a) Because Clarissa does not consent.
(b) Because Dr. Lewen earlier fought a duel with Solmes.
(c) Because Dr. Lewen is sick with gout.
(d) Because Dr. Lewen can not stand the Harlowes.

5. What does Mr. Belton learn that his mistress did to him?
(a) Opened a house of prostitution.
(b) Ran off to New York.
(c) Told everyone that she and Belton were not married.
(d) Gave Belton's money to her boyfriend.

6. When James writes to Clarissa and tells her she is basically under house arrest, where exactly does he tell her she has to stay?
(a) In the Tower of London.
(b) In the kitchen, where she will cook during the day and sleep on the floor at night.
(c) In the cellar.
(d) In her rooms, but she can go into the garden when no one else is there.

7. When Clarissa seems willing to marry Lovelace in order to reconcile with her family, why does that bother Lovelace?
(a) Because Lovelace wants Clarissa to marry him because she loves him.
(b) Because Lovelace does not want Clarissa to be happy.
(c) Because Lovelace has decided Clarissa is not rich enough to marry him.
(d) Because Lovelace is already secretly married to Miss Betterton.

8. Who is Tomlinson, really?
(a) Lovelace in disguise.
(b) Patrick M'Donald, a friend of Lovelace's.
(c) Mr. Hickman.
(d) Mr. Solmes.

9. When does Clarissa say she will set a wedding date?
(a) As soon as her family says they will come to the wedding.
(b) As soon as the dressmaker finishes her wedding dress.
(c) As soon as she talks to her wedding planner.
(d) As soon as Lovelace gets a marriage license.

10. Why does Dorcas refuse to answer any more questions after telling the mysterious servant that Lovelace and Clarissa are married?
(a) Because Dorcas is unpredictable.
(b) Because Dorcas does not know the answers to the questions he is asking.
(c) Because the servant kissed Dorcas.
(d) Because the servant will not say why he is asking.

11. After Lovelace's party, what request does Clarissa get from Miss Partington?
(a) To share Clarissa's bed for the night.
(b) To be best friends forever.
(c) To write Miss Partington a letter explaining why Clarissa won't marry Lovelace.
(d) To send Miss Partington a lock of Clarissa's hair.

12. What does Lovelace say is the cause of all his sins?
(a) His high opinion of himself.
(b) His love of women.
(c) His love of money.
(d) His drinking.

13. What makes Lord M a bad choice for someone to give Clarissa away at the wedding?
(a) Lord M is ill with gout, so they can't set a date.
(b) Clarissa hates Lord M.
(c) Lord M hates Clarissa and does not want Lovelace to get married.
(d) Lord M is very ugly.

14. Why does Lovelace think that Lord M dying might help him get Clarissa to marry him?
(a) Because he thinks Clarissa will feel sorry for him when he's grieving.
(b) Because he hopes the money he will inherit will impress Clarissa.
(c) Because Clarissa never liked Lord M.
(d) Because he suspects Clarissa loves Lord M, but once Lord M is dead, Clarissa will turn to Lovelace for comfort.

15. How does Lovelace know about everything that happens at Clarissa's house?
(a) He hangs around in the bushes and listens to their conversations.
(b) He has hired one of their servants as a spy.
(c) He is secretly dating Arabella, who tells him what is happening.
(d) He is psychic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What drug does Lovelace blame for Clarissa's apparent madness after he ravishes her?

2. At the end of this section (letters 56-74), who is Clarissa pinning her hopes on?

3. Why does Clarissa run away after the fire at Widow Sinclair's house?

4. Why does Lovelace expect to be pardoned if he succeeds in his plan to rape Mrs. Howe and Miss Howe?

5. Which of Lovelace's friends is pleased to learn of Clarissa's escape?

(see the answer keys)

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