Circus of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Circus of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are Anita, Larry and Edward directed by one of Jean-Claude's vampires in Chapter 46?
(a) The big tent.
(b) A closet.
(c) Ringside seats.
(d) Jean-Claude's bedrooms.

2. Who interrupts Anita's slumber in Chapter 27?
(a) Bert.
(b) Irving.
(c) Jean-Claude.
(d) Richard.

3. What does Anita do on her way downstairs to see Jean-Claude that Irving assures her is not necessary?
(a) Calls out of work.
(b) Phones Dolph with her location.
(c) Draws her gun.
(d) Insists Larry remain upstairs.

4. Who does the murderous vampires' descriptions match?
(a) Mr. Oliver and Alejandro.
(b) Jean-Claude and Yasmeen.
(c) No one Anita has ever met before.
(d) Richard and Irving.

5. Who is waiting for Anita in her apartment in Chapter 38?
(a) Richard.
(b) Edward.
(c) Melanie and three men.
(d) Mr. Oliver and Karl Inger.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Anita feel pain in her leg in Chapter 41?

2. In Chapter 31, who does Ronnie remember?

3. Who does Anita ask to take her to see the Master of the City alone?

4. Who does Anita tell Edward is the Master of the City?

5. What advice does Anita give Richard as he drops her off at her apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. What awaits Anita at her apartment after she returns from the Circus of the Damned in Chapter 38?

2. What powers does Anita gain from receiving the third mark from Jean-Claude?

3. Why does Anita call Mr. Oliver in Chapter 44, and how does she feel afterward?

4. What is Mr. Oliver's goal, according to what he tells Anita in Chapter 30?

5. What do Anita, Larry and Bert argue about at the office?

6. What does Alejandro do to Anita during the fight between Jean-Claude and Mr. Oliver?

7. Why does Karl Inger call Anita at home?

8. What does Ronnie tell Anita when she calls in Chapter 31?

9. What does Jean-Claude believe Alejandro has done, how does Anita respond, and what does Jean-Claude say are her only options now?

10. What happens when Anita shoots Melanie, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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