Circus of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Circus of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Jean-Claude bleed profusely from his side?
(a) He has paid the price of losing his human servant.
(b) Anita stakes him.
(c) Karl Inger shoots him.
(d) Mr. Oliver stabs him.

2. Why does Anita feel pain in her leg in Chapter 41?
(a) She was shot.
(b) She was bitten by the lamia.
(c) She was bitten by Alejandro.
(d) She has no idea.

3. Who is eager to get away from the Circus of the Damned in Chapter 37?
(a) Anita.
(b) Richard.
(c) Dolph.
(d) Larry.

4. How old does Anita learn that Mr. Oliver is?
(a) 70 years old.
(b) A million years old.
(c) 8000 years old.
(d) 200 years old.

5. How does Anita feel about not knowing the location of Jean-Claude's daytime resting place?
(a) Angry.
(b) Relieved.
(c) Disappointed.
(d) Scared.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why can nothing hurt Melanie?

2. Why is Anita angry at Richard in Chapter 42?

3. What would Anita rather die than do?

4. At first, what is Anita able to tell about Mr. Oliver's age?

5. What does Jean-Claude try to do in Anita's dream in Chapter 27?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Anita reaches the cave where she is supposed to be meeting Mr. Oliver?

2. Why does Richard take Anita to Jean-Claude in Chapter 42, and how does she react?

3. What does Alejandro do to Anita during the fight between Jean-Claude and Mr. Oliver?

4. What does Dolph reveal when he phones Anita in Chapter 45?

5. What does Irving tell Anita in Chapter 27, and what does she ask him to do?

6. How does Anita escape Alejandro in the cave?

7. Who is waiting for Anita at her apartment in Chapter 26, and what transpires?

8. What powers does Anita gain from receiving the third mark from Jean-Claude?

9. Describe Mr. Oliver.

10. What awaits Anita at her apartment after she returns from the Circus of the Damned in Chapter 38?

(see the answer keys)

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