A Chorus of Disapproval Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Chorus of Disapproval Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rebecca tell Guy he should remember about his role as MacHeath?
(a) That he worked very hard for that part, and he should be proud.
(b) That he is not a very good actor.
(c) That she can make sure he is unable to play the part.
(d) That she was the person who got him the part.

2. Why does Hannah think that Guy says that he loves her?
(a) Because she does his laundry and mending.
(b) Because she is his soul mate.
(c) Because he promised to run away with her.
(d) Because she loves him.

3. Hannah says her daughters have now begun to call the Daddy doll by what name?
(a) Dafydd.
(b) Ian.
(c) Crispin.
(d) Guy.

4. What does Dafydd tell the women to do at the end of the scene between Crispin and Guy?
(a) To redo the song.
(b) To push MacHeath (Crispin) off of the stage.
(c) To turn to MacHeath (Crispin).
(d) To leave and let him work with Guy and Crispin.

5. What is in the bag that Fay gives to Guy?
(a) Dafydd's missing underwear.
(b) A pastry.
(c) A bottle of tequila.
(d) Guy's underwear.

6. What does Dafydd do after he shakes the cast member?
(a) He orders the cast to begin again.
(b) He has a tantrum.
(c) He catches himself and apologizes.
(d) He shoves that person roughly.

7. What does Crispin's character, MacHeath, say the joys of being with a woman can do?
(a) Dissolve a man's depression.
(b) Drive a man to insanity.
(c) Help a man escape reality.
(d) Make the real world go away.

8. Who does Hannah say knows about the affair between her and Guy?
(a) Bridget, Fay, and Linda.
(b) Everyone except Dafydd.
(c) Crispin, Ian, and Dafydd.
(d) No one.

9. To whom is Jarvis married?
(a) Linda.
(b) Rebecca.
(c) Bridget.
(d) Fay.

10. What kind of song does Guy sing at the end of Act 1, Scene 6?
(a) A drinking song.
(b) A rock song.
(c) A lullaby.
(d) A love song.

11. What did Jarvis promise he would do for Guy after their discussion about his land?
(a) Look after him.
(b) Protect him.
(c) Teach him.
(d) Go over his lines with him.

12. At the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2, who is rehearsing?
(a) Guy and Ted.
(b) Ian and Bridget.
(c) All of the answers are correct.
(d) Hannah, Linda, and Crispin.

13. What does Fay realize about Guy's lady friend who was to accompany him?
(a) She is late.
(b) She is not coming.
(c) She is a former model.
(d) She was a very good friend of Guy's deceased wife.

14. What is one thing about which Hannah complains to Guy as they discuss their relationship?
(a) He doesn't spend enough time with her.
(b) He doesn't have the guts to marry her.
(c) Having to meet in secrecy.
(d) He doesn't give her any money to spend.

15. What is Guy's response when Hannah asks him if he has found a pair of Dafydd's missing underwear?
(a) He asks Hannah what they look like.
(b) He denies having seen them.
(c) He laughs.
(d) He admits that he is probably wearing them.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Ian answers the door, where does Fay lead Guy?

2. As Ian is waiting for Guy's friend to finish, Guy comes out dressed in what?

3. Where are Hannah and Guy holding their conversation about their relationship?

4. For whom is Rebecca waiting?

5. In Act 1, Scene 7, what is the song about?

(see the answer keys)

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